The holidays are all about giving, but sometimes it’s hard to shop for Magic players! This is especially true for friends and family who may not be familiar with how to introduce someone to the game for the first time. The good news is Card Kingdom has you covered this year, because we know exactly what gifts to get for the new Magic players in your life this year.
There are lots of suggestions inside, and each is pointed toward the kind of experience you want to give your friends and family. And whether you get just one thing or decide to really spoil them, everything on this list should be a joy to unwrap at any point his holiday season!
A First Commander Deck
Want a quick way into the most popular format of Magic? These Commander Starter decks will get your new Magic player on the table right away and give them a great place to start building their own collection! There are five options, so there should be an option for everyone!
The Classic Magic Experience
Card Kingdom’s custom, thematic Battle Decks are the perfect holiday gift for players just getting started with Magic. They let them get a feel for the game in its original form, build up a collection of affordable decks and explore Magic’s depth.
If your new Magic player wants to get started on a level playing field, our Battle Decks are exactly what you’re looking for!
Pack Cracking Fun
If your new Magic player isn’t sure where they want to start with the game, bundles are a great, low investment way to introduce them. Crack some packs, bulk up on basic lands for deck building, get a sweet spin down life counter, open a foil promo card and finally have a place to store some cards all in one place! Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty is as good a place to start as any.
A Reliable Deck Box

Transporting decks around can be a hassle without the proper storage. Grabbing a few deck boxes can make your life a lot easier and keep cards in tip-top shape! New players will find the BoxGod Titan a perfect starting point.
Gorgeous Sleeves
Whether you’re playing around a kitchen table, at Friday Night Magic, or a high-level tournament, even new players will want to protect their cards from wear, tear and spilled drinks with some sleeves! These are the best of the bunch.
A First Playmat
Help your new player personalize their play space with a playmat! Not only do they make picking up your cards and playing the game easier, but having a defined battlefield and some color can really liven up a game of Magic!
End step
We hope you can rest easy this holiday season knowing Card Kingdom has your back when it comes to shopping for the most Magic gifts possible. And if you didn’t find anything on this list, we have three other guides that can help find the perfect product. Just be sure to order as early as you can to make sure everything arrives on time!
Either way, no matter whether you ordered something from us or not, may all your packs have mythics and your games the most fun endings possible!