Deck of the Week: Pauper Goblins

Ahren GauthierPauper

Twenty cards were “downshifted” in rarity to Common with the release of Masters 25. A lot of digital ink and has (and will) be spilled discussing them all, but for our purposes today, I really want to hit the Goblins…er, highlights. First, an honorable mention that isn’t a shift but a very important reprint: Ash Barrens. The lack of true …

Spotlight On: Phyrexian Obliterator

Ahren GauthierUncategorized

A long time ago in Magic history, creatures were bad. Really bad. Three mana didn’t get you much compared to…other options available. Take these two rares from Ice Age:     A 2/2 Swampwalk vs. One of the most busted cards in Magic history. Fast forward a few years to Urza’s Destiny and the printing of this absolute monster: I …

Spotlight on: Lotus Cobra

Ahren GauthierModern

Lotus Cobra has a fair bit of history attached to it, stretching all the way back to Extended. It was a key ramp piece in Mythic Bant (an Eldrazi Conscription/Sovereigns of Lost Alara combo deck), G/W Traps (Summoning Trap/Emrakul combo), and BUG Control (alongside Grave Titan and Jace, the Mind Sculptor). The key element that it brought to the table is …