Making Lumeria: The Great Divide

Adam KleshDesign, Products

The story of Lumeria begins in 2017. In a brainstorming session, I suggested we make our own masters set, but with inexpensive cards that we could sell at a reasonable price. A few months later, Chris VanMeter approached me about getting a list together. The first Lumeria set was focused on two-color pairs and finding archetypes within those pairs. With …

Designer Draft: Lumeria Draft Archetypes

Adam KleshProducts

Editor’s Note: This article is about draft archetypes from the set Lumeria: The Infinite City, released in December 2018. For info on Lumeria: The Great Divide, click here. Lumeria is the first in Card Kingdom’s new Designer Draft product line: a group of unique draft products I’m creating with the help of Chris VanMeter. I’m an amateur Magic designer and …

Blue Brawlers in Dominaria

Adam KleshBrawl

If you’ve played 1v1 Brawl on Magic Online for any amount of time, you’ve probably seen the mono-blue Baral deck. This article is not about Baral. While Blue has become the most feared color in the Brawl format, I’m here today to share some fun, casual Brawl decks that embody what Blue does best. Tetsuko Umezawa First up, we have …

Let’s Brawl!

Adam KleshBrawl

Are you ready to BRAWL?!  Well, are you? If you have no idea what I’m talking about, Wizards recently announced a brand-new format called Brawl. You build a 60-card singleton deck from only Standard-legal cards, and then you choose any Legendary Creature OR Planeswalker to be your Commander.  The format is meant to be casual, and I intend to keep …

Iconic Masters at HasCon

Adam KleshLimited

In May of 1997, there was a new set being released for my favorite game. It was Weatherlight, the set that would kick off a new, ongoing narrative in Magic‘s storyline, and I was super excited. As it happens, I was on vacation with my friend in Hawaii at the time, and one of the things we wanted to do while we …

The Pile

Adam KleshCommunity

About ten years ago, my friends and I heard tell of a new way to play Magic. The stories told of a huge pile of unsleeved cards that every player in the game would draw from, and that any spell could be cast as if its controller had infinite mana. This was the beginning of my life with what I …

Vanguard: Then and Now

Adam KleshUncategorized

In October 1997, I received my monthly issue of the Duelist magazine.  This was a time before the internet was a thing, and all the news, strategy, card lists, and articles about Magic were only available in monthly publications. Obviously, I was super stoked to read the new issue, and as I was unwrapping my prize, a giant card fell …

Army of One

Adam KleshCommunity, Design

Hi, I’m Adam, and I’ve been playing Magic for over twenty years. I also enjoy creating things, and I’ve spent much of my spare time designing custom cards, mechanics, and sets. I also love to create new ways to play Magic and building new and exciting decks for unexplored formats. I enjoy winning, of course, but I prefer to win in …