Pathways in Pioneer

Anthony LowryPioneer

Pioneer has always had issues with ally-colored lands. It’s the reason why decks like Mono-Black Aggro or Mono-Red Aggro refrained from splashing black and U/W control hasn’t added red. Numerous times, we’ve been waiting for a Masters-style set to come out that would mitigate this problem, and multiple sets coming through Standard were under the microscope as well. Would we …

4 Decks for Post-B&R Pioneer

Anthony LowryPioneer

Well then… Last time we were here, we talked about just how impactful an unban like Oath of Nissa would be in Pioneer. I generally felt that it would give decks like Inverter a reason to push into Green, where they could also benefit from cards like Grisly Salvage and Uro, Titan of Nature’s Wrath. Green ramp decks would welcome …

3 Oath of Nissa Decks for Pioneer

Anthony LowryPioneer

Oath of Nissa is unbanned in Pioneer. Personally, I’m shocked. When Oath of Nissa was initially nixed, it was deemed “the Green Ponder.” It was too powerful for Pioneer — the only card in the format that gave you that much selection for such a low rate. It powered up decks like Kethis Combo and even some midrange decks, but …

Jeskai Cycling in Pioneer

Anthony LowryPioneer

Despite all the tumultuous periods in Pioneer’s lifetime, the format has more or less settled. There are still top dogs in the format, with Dimir Inverter, Lotus Breach, and Mono White Devotion reigning supreme. The tier below that looks incredibly diverse, and is the fuel that keeps Pioneer chugging along.  The format has slowed down a bit — both in …

Top 5 Core Set 2021 Cards for Pioneer

Anthony LowryPioneer

Pioneer has changed drastically since the companion rules change earlier this month. Dimir Inverter is still one of the top dogs, but Lotus Breach, Mono-Red, Mono-White, and Mono-Black are all going strong. In fact, the format looks more or less the way it did before Ikoria was released — and that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.  But now that Core …

Pioneer Wish List: 5 Cards to Add to the Format

Anthony LowryPioneer

Pioneer has been defined by companions, Inverter, and midrange amalgamations since the release of Ikoria. While things have mostly settled, I’m always up for shaking things up a bit.  Here are five cards from the Modern format that I believe would be great additions to Pioneer. A lot of these cards would change the format for the better and allow …

Jeskai Fires Deck Guide

Anthony LowryStandard

Editor’s Note, May 11, 2020: This article was originally published on December 19, 2019. We want to ensure you have the most up-to-date information about popular decks, so we’ve updated this article and re-published it on May 11, 2020. Editor’s Note: June 1, 2020: Fires of Invention and Agent of Treachery have been banned in Standard and Historic. Read the …

Sultai Delirium in Pioneer

Anthony LowryPioneer

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on February 27, 2020. We want to ensure you have the most up-to-date information about popular decks, so we’ve updated this post and re-published it on April 28, 2020. When Wizards first introduced Pioneer, the stated mission of the format was to give players who have been around for the last seven years …

Top 5 Ikoria Cards for Pioneer

Anthony LowryPioneer

From Godzilla to companions, giant cats to tiny nightmares, Ikoria really does have it all! It’s a jam packed set that’s bound to change Pioneer as we know it, and the cards that seem the most innocuous may have the biggest impact. Let’s jump right in! Easy Prey This card will always have a use in decks like Mono-Black Aggro …

Pioneer Metagame Update

Anthony LowryPioneer

A lot can happen from nothing. Last week’s Banned and Restricted announcement was pretty highly anticipated. Many discussions across social media centered around Pioneer — the format’s overall health and the power levels of the proverbial Boogeymen. People even started talking about how the metagame would change after the presumed bans, projecting deck positions and power shifts. It was an …