Join me today as I wrestle with the age-old Commander question: What’s better, ramp or card draw? It’s a question that has a little more nuance than you might think, and in the process of coming to a conclusion, I think I’ve hit on some key heuristics that can help you decide which is best for you. Ramp & Card …
Commander Decks to Put Your Fetchlands In
If there’s one type of card that always needs a reprint, it’s fetchlands. In demand for Modern, Legacy, and even Commander, these prize game pieces are much sought after from players of all kinds. Thanks to a reprint in Modern Horizons 2, the enemy fetchlands will be readily available in a booster product for the first time since 2017’s Modern …
The Best Budget Cards in Modern Horizons 2
Modern Horizons 2 is finally fully revealed! It won’t be long before we can get our hands on arguably the most powerful set of all time, and you’ll want to make sure you’re ready to grab the best new staples. I covered a selection of new Modern staples in my last article, but this time I’m going a little further. …
Modern Horizons 2 in Review: New Commander Cards
Modern Horizons 2 is almost upon us, and it wouldn’t be a set release without a Commander review. While the set itself is aimed at putting new cards into the Modern format, it’s safe to say that there’s still a lot here for EDH players of all kinds. Let’s dig into the set and see what gems we can unearth. …
Modern Horizons 2: Where Is Green Headed in EDH?
Modern Horizons 2 preview season has been a blast, and we’ve seen many funky, fresh, and even irreverent designs. What’s got most people talking, though, is the fact that green seems overpowered. It’s an all-too-regular refrain if you follow releases, but what exactly is at the heart of this debate? Green Gets Good Cards Though the other colors have had …
Cabal Coffers is a Huge Reprint – Here’s What to Play With It
Cabal Coffers has been previewed for Modern Horizons 2, and while it’s at mythic, it’s still a huge reprint — given that fetch lands are in the set, plenty of copies of Cabal Coffers are likely to be opened. If you haven’t played much with it before, then here’s a rundown of some of the strong interactions and fun cards …
Commander Kingdom Decklists: May 2021
This month on Commander Kingdom, we have three returning guests on the show to battle it out. Crim, Ben Ulmer, and Ashlen Rose have all brought their A-game this week, but which one will wear the Commander Kingdom crown? Watch the episode below, and get out our guests’ decklists after the jump. Ashlen’s Atla Palani, Nest Tender They say you …
Mind’s Desire: My Modern Horizons 2 Wishlist
Modern Horizons 2 is just over the, uh… horizon. There will be a mix of new cards and reprints in the set, and we all have our own hopes for which cards will enter the format upon its release. I’ve been digging through troves of cards outside of the card pool that Modern could benefit from, looking for the most …
5 Reasons Your Commander Deck Isn’t Winning Games
We all love winning games of Commander, and though an enjoyable game is still fun even if you don’t win, it can suck to lose repeatedly. Sometimes you just need that win! Today, I’d like to look at a few of the reasons your deck might be losing more than it should be. Your Deck Shouldn’t Win That Much Let’s …
What You Can Learn Playing an Antisocial Commander Deck
Sometimes, it can be useful to look outside of your comfort zone for inspiration. There’s a lot to learn from playing decks that aren’t your usual type, and today, I’m going to share my experience playing one of the most groan-inducing decks to sit across from: Maelstrom Wanderer. Building Maelstrom Wanderer I’ll be honest — I’ve never really been the …