GP Vegas 2017: A Review
One of the greatest Grand Prix I ever attended was GP Portland in 2014. The format was Team Sealed, my favorite, and I have fond memories of playing with two of my closest friends. But the thing I loved most about Portland was that it was more than just another Magic tournament – it was the first GP I’d attended ... Read More...
Judge’s Tower: Paying Dues, Pt. 2
Hello again! Last time we climbed the Tower, we went over how a card like Thalia, Guardian of Thraben works in a variety of situations. When I set out to write that article, I was thinking I was going to be able to cover more ground, but as I realized how often I get Judge calls about how Thalia works, ... Read More...
4 Flavors of Death’s Shadow
Since its breakout performance at Grand Prix Vancouver in February at the hands of Josh Utter-Leyton and team, the bold new take on Death’s Shadow has quickly made a name for itself as the deck to beat in Modern. Utter-Leyton, Gerry Thompson, and Sam Black all made Top 8 with a new Death’s Shadow list that cut down on the ... Read More...
Top 5 Split Cards in Commander
MORE GONE THAN DEAD I’m not a competitive player, but I am a huge fan of scrolling through tournament decklists to find cards for Commander decks. Back when I first started playing Magic, it was a good way to stay engaged in Magic, learn cards I didn’t know, and focus on the format I cared about. I was wandering aimlessly ... Read More...
12 Tips for your First GP
With GP Vegas on the horizon, I’d like to talk a bit about GP’s and how you can prepare for them. Oftentimes, going to a Grand Prix is an experience – you’ll carpool out to a tournament with some of your closest friends and spend every night playing Magic in your hotel room until the wee hours. And as fun as ... Read More...
GP’s Are for Everyone
When I was still a fledgling Magic player, the thought of going to a Grand Prix (GP) seemed incredibly daunting. Those are for pro players! People who know what they’re doing, who put in extensive amounts of testing and practice! I told myself. Since I was neither of those things, I didn’t think GP’s were for me. I attended my first ... Read More...
Welcome, Kitchen Table Magic!
Today, we’d like to introduce you to Card Kingdom’s newest affiliated podcast: Kitchen Table Magic! Kitchen Table Magic is an interview-style podcast hosted by Sam Tang, a Seattle local and longtime Card Kingdom and Mox Boarding House customer. Sam launched KTM a year ago, and in that time, he’s shone a spotlight on some of Magic‘s most beloved competitors and ... Read More...