It is that time again (or perhaps it never ended), and that time is preview season. Phyrexia: All Will be One is on the horizon, which means it’s time we identify the highlight cards in the set for Modern.
This time around I thought I’d try something different and highlight the best card of each color instead of just the top five cards. This hopefully means there is something here for everyone.
Kemba, Kha Eternal
Kemba is back yet again. Same cat friend, same love for equipment. However, this time Kemba is aggressively costed and doesn’t just pay you for having a bunch of equipment — she actually attaches equipment.
OK, cool, you may save a few mana on equipping Kemba. But sometimes a few mana happens to be eight, in the case of Colossus Hammer.
Hammer decks, usually mono-white versions, will play Kor Outfitter during certain metagames. Kemba’s ability to attach equipment is limited to cats that have just entered the battlefield. While Kor Outfitter has a better ability if you only need to attach one piece of equipment once in a game, I believe Kemba will offer a more powerful version of that effect.
Thanks to Kemba’s ability to make a cat, you can keep attaching a Colossus Hammer, even if the first target is answered. Not to mention Kemba’s cat-making ability is a reasonable mana sink later in the game against grindy decks.
I wouldn’t expect Kemba to revolutionize Hammer decks, but I do expect her to be a powerful roleplayer.
Minor Misstep
Mental Misstep, Minor Misstep is not. However, that is a good thing, because we don’t want to have to start every deck with four copies of Mental Misstep.
I do believe Minor Misstep has a place in Modern, just as Spell Snare does — maybe even more so than Spell Snare. As Modern gets more and more efficient with cards like Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer, Colossus Hammer, Crashing Footfalls and many more, the efficiency of counters is strained.
Yes, Modern Horizons 2 brought us Counterspell, and yes, Spell Pierce and Flusterstorm are commonly played, but those are either inefficient for one mana spells or can only hit certain card types.
Minor Misstep allows blue decks to counter Ragavan at parity, but also tag a cascade payoff. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Minor Misstep pop up during particularly aggressive metagame cycles.
Sheoldred’s Edict
Sheoldred’s Edict is likely more impactful in Legacy than it is in Modern given it’s a clean answer to Marit Lage, but I think it has some room to see play in Modern, as well. I’m traditionally not a huge fan of edicts in general because you’re always giving the opponent the choice to do what is best for them, unless, of course, they only have one thing that meets the criteria.
Magic’s latest offering adds additional granularity by separating token and non-token creatures, which is quite impactful. If I need to kill a large construct token, I don’t want my opponent sacrificing their Ornithopter. Similarly, if I need to answer a Primeval Titan, I don’t want my opponent to mulch their plant token.
Being able to take down a planeswalker is also quite nice, meaning Sheoldred’s Edict isn’t dead against control opponents. It’s also an instant, which is huge. A similar card, Angrath’s Rampage, didn’t perform well largely because it was a sorcery. I’d be surprised to not see Sheoldred’s Edict at some point in black Modern decks in the near future.
Cacophony Scamp
Cacophony Scamp may look a bit odd on this list because it doesn’t read as something particularly powerful. But think about it! What if we put a Colossus Hammer on this little fella?
Turn one Cacophony Scamp, turn two Sigrada’s Aid plus Colossus Hammer is a turn two kill if it connects. Since this version of Hammer is playing red, it is also possible to ambush someone in combat with Magnetic Theft.
While the turn two kill is possible, it won’t be how games often play out. However, because the possibility exists, getting into combat with Cacophony Scamp is going to be particularly difficult if there is a Colossus Hammer lying around on the battlefield. One wrong step and this little goblin is going to pop you for 22 damage.
Tyvar’s Stand
OK, so green isn’t fantastic for Modern in ONE.
I thought about Green Sun’s Twilight, but that is going to be worse than Turntimber Symbiosis a good amount of the time. Cankerbloom was another option, but, again, is often worse than Outland Liberator. Venerated Rotpriest was interesting, but I don’t think that even if Infect was to make its way back to the metagame that Venerated Rotpriest would be how that deck is winning games.
Tyvar’s Stand, however, is interesting. Getting a Hexproof plus Indestructible trick for green is something aggressive green decks like Zoo are interested in. The fact that you can also turn it into a Fireball is what makes Tyvar’s Stand…well…stand out.
Imagine you’re attacking with your Territorial Kavu and your opponent evokes a Solitude. Not only does Tyvar’s Stand blank the Solitude, but it also means the opponent is taking damage equal to whatever extra mana you have that turn. Previously, in my Zoo lists, I was playing Shore Up in the sideboard, but Tyvar’s Stand seems like a much better fit for that slot.
Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler
Here we have Tyvar again, and he’s also standing in this art! But in all seriousness, I think Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler has an immediate home in Devoted Druid decks. The passive means you can have Tyvar and Vizier of Remedies already in play, cast Devoted Druid and go off right away without having to awkwardly try to untap with a face up combo.
The untap ability doesn’t seem like it’s that important, but it lets you get two mana out of your Devoted Druid on turn three without needing to put a counter on it. Finally, the -2 ability can either pick up a combo piece that has found its way into the graveyard, or if you’re desperate, try to find the missing piece.
We did just see Devoted Druid make the elimination rounds of SCG NJ, so who knows where Tyvar may take the deck. It could just be what Devoted Druid needs to get back into the Modern metagame.
The Mycosynth Gardens
Finally, we have The Mycosynth Gardens. Amulet players have been buzzing about how well The Mycosynth Gardens fits into the deck as a way to have more copies of Amulet of Vigor. One copy of Amulet is strong, but the draws that have two amulets are unbelievably powerful.
The Mycosynth Gardens facilitates such powerful openings. I’m sure Mycosynth Gardens will find other homes and uses throughout its time in Modern, but Amulet seems primed to be the strongest home right out of the gate.
End Step
I always love to see previews for new sets — trying to find any new additions to Modern that may shake up the metagame. As always, I’m sure there will be more cards from ONE that show up in Modern over the years, but these are the cards I think have the best shot overall.
If you think I missed something obvious, or you think you have identified a dark horse, I’d love to know! As always you can find me on Twitter @RappaciousOne for questions, comments or feedback. I’ll see everyone back here next week for more ONE Modern content.

Michael Rapp is a Modern specialist who favors Thoughtseize decks. Magic sates his desire for competition and constant improvement.