Casual Commander Probably Isn’t What You Think

Kristen GregoryCommander

Chances are that when you sit down for a game of Commander, it’s going to be “casual.” That only really holds true, though, if your definition of “casual” is strictly “not competitive.” Overwhelmingly, the non-competitive players outnumber those who want to push things to the limits, but the truth of the matter is that “casual” is a far more nebulous …

Commander: Upgrading Syr Gwyn, Hero of Ashvale

Kristen GregoryCommander

Although building new decks and trying new Commanders makes up a large part of the fun when it comes to new sets, updating old decks and trying to make older cards more playable is also rewarding in its own way. Like many people, I’ve been brewing with the new cards in my search for the most powerful way to play …

The Best of White Card Design 2020: Part 2

Kristen GregoryDesign

As 2020 draws to a close, white’s relevancy continues to be a sticking point for Magic players in most formats. Last year, I put together an evaluation of the year’s cards over at Hipsters of the Coast. The conclusion last year? Well, though white did get some better cards, the rising tide was still threatening to sink white’s ship; for …

Best of White Card Design 2020, Pt. 1

Kristen GregoryDesign

As 2020 draws to a close, white’s relevancy continues to be a sticking point for Magic players in most formats. Last year, I put together an evaluation of the year’s cards over at Hipsters of the Coast. The conclusion last year? Though white did get some better cards, the rising tide was still threatening to sink white’s ship; for every …

The Power of Recursion: What’s Yours is Mine

Kristen GregoryCommander

Kristen takes us through some choice ways to plunder your opponent’s graveyards. Recursion is something I’ve enjoyed writing about before over at Hipsters of the Coast. I feel that, along with ramp and draw, recursion is one the pillars of the Commander format — especially when it comes to gauging power levels.  The Power of Recursion In fact, one of …

Casual Commander’s Most Underrated Abilities

Kristen GregoryCommander

Today, Kristen takes us through what she believes are the most underrated abilities in casual Commander.  When I think of casual Commander, I think of creatures. Creatures are the bread and butter of casual builds, and a lot of games with this ethos end when a player uses combat damage as the win condition — even when those decks have …

Commander Legends Upgrade Guide: Arm for Battle

Kristen GregoryCommander

Commander Legends brings with it two new preconstructed decks: Reap the Tides, a Simic sea-themed deck, and Arm for Battle, a Boros aura/equipment voltron deck. If you know me at all, you’ll know I jumped at the chance to review the latter, and so without further ado, let’s dive on into this Boros Bonanza.  Arm for Battle: New Commander Cards …

Budget Blitz: Best Budget Commander Legends Cards

Kristen GregoryCommander

Commander Legends releases on Friday, November 20th, and there are bargains to be had… if you know where to look. Kristen takes us through the cream of the budget crop, including her picks for the best budget Commanders from the set.  My long-running Budget Blitz column sees another entry with Commander Legends. Every quarter, I review the latest Standard set …