Amulet Titian is Back in Modern

Amulet Titan Makes A Comeback in Modern

Michael RappModern

At several points in Modern’s history, Amulet Titan has been the best deck in the format. It was once so dominant that Summer Bloom had to be banned to bring the deck back to a realistic power level. Over the years, Amulet Titan has taken on a variety of shapes: combo-heavy builds with Summer Bloom and Hive Mind, slower and …

Best Budget Modern Decks

Top 5 Budget Modern Decks

Michael RappModern

Modern is quickly becoming a pricey format to buy into if you don’t already have access to the staples. If you’re looking to get into the format without breaking the bank, we have five decks to share this week that will suit players of different play styles.  Before we get started, I want to acknowledge that everyone’s budget is different, …

Modern Tier List Nov 2021

Modern Tier List: November 2021

Michael RappModern

Hello, and welcome to this month’s edition of the Modern Tier List! Modern is a wide and complex format with a lot of movement, which often makes ranking decks tricky. As such, this list is best viewed as a snapshot in time to help influence how you can build and update your deck week-to-week. MTG Las Vegas is this weekend, …

Top 5 Innistrad Crimson Vow Cards for Modern

Top 5 Innistrad: Crimson Vow Cards for Modern

Michael RappModern

Innistrad: Crimson Vow’s tabletop release is right around the corner. As always, I’ve combed through the set in search of the five cards that have the best chance of making an impact in Modern. Standard set power levels have been on the downturn for the last few sets, which means we’re unlikely to see any pushed cards make their way …

Modern Deck Guide: Grixis Death’s Shadow

Michael RappModern

Last weekend, Star City Games held the first major in-person Magic tournament since the start of the pandemic. Corey Baumeister took home the trophy, and his weapon of choice for the Modern portion was Grixis Death’s Shadow. As many of you already may know, Grixis Death’s Shadow is my all-time favorite Modern deck, and I’m thrilled to have an opportunity …

modern tier list

Modern Tier List: October 2021

Michael RappModern

Hello, and welcome to the October Modern tier list brought to you by Card Kingdom! Modern is a wide and complex format with a lot of movement, which often makes ranking decks tricky. As such, this list is best viewed as a snapshot in time to help influence how you can build and update your deck week-to-week.  Before we dive …

Modern Sideboard Essentials

Top 10 Modern Sideboard Cards

Michael RappModern

Traditionally, there have been two primary schools of thought when it comes to building a sideboard in Modern: You can play narrow cards that are extremely powerful, or cards that are more broadly useful. Looking at the current metagame, it seems that Modern is moving away from broadly useful cards, and leaning into sideboard haymakers. These cards will often make …

Modern Collection Essentials

60 Essential Cards for Your Modern Collection

Michael RappModern

Whether you’re new to Modern, returning to Modern, or are an enfranchised player, collection management is important. While Modern often doesn’t transform overnight, there is usually some movement within archetypes in order to adjust to the metagame. Having a well-maintained collection can help you avoid scrambling for cards before a tournament, as well as potentially dodging price spikes.  The first …

Modern Ban List Article

What’s Banned in Modern (And Why)

Michael RappModern

Modern recently celebrated its 10th anniversary, and that got me reminiscing about my time playing the format. Decks came and went, metagames evolved, new cards entered the format. But we’ve also seen many cards leave the format over the years as the Modern banlist has grown and changed.  If you’re newer to Modern, you may not be familiar with the …

best modern decks for beginners

Best Modern Decks for Beginners

Michael RappModern

Michael Rapp takes us through his top five Modern decks for beginners, taking into account budget, ease of learning, and overall strength in the Modern metagame.  Before we get into my selection, I’d like to clarify one thing. I’ve seen a number of articles of this style that just default to “here are the five cheapest decks in Modern”, and …