Modern is a format full of possibilities, but too often, we see the same cards and decks talked about ad nauseam. Today, we’ll be looking at four decks that have all done well in big events recently that are fun, powerful, and underexplored. It’s all spice all day today, so let’s jump right into it. Dimir Control Control decks have …
5 Most Important Cards in Modern
Modern has 16,117 legal cards ranging from 8th Edition to Innistrad: Crimson Vow. In a card pool this wide, it’s natural for there to be a rather large gap between the best and the worst cards. Once we narrow our focus on cards with competitive viability, the card pool shrinks dramatically. However, there is still a stark difference between the …
Modern Solutions: Urza’s Saga
Modern is a format with a deep and rich card pool. Too often, cards get overlooked and underplayed. Sometimes, that’s because of metagame factors, sometimes it’s because of the power level of the cards… and sometimes, it’s due to a simple lack of exploration. Death’s Shadow is a deck that everyone who plays Modern is well aware of. But although …
3 Things that the Best Modern Decks Have in Common
I sat down the other day to take a big picture look at the Modern metagame, and I noticed that many of the top Modern decks have some traits in common. Noticing these trends can allow you to exploit a weakness in the metagame, or predict movement in the future. When considering whether you should pick up a new Modern …
State of Modern: 2021
As 2021 comes to a close, this is a nice time to sit back and reflect on the past year in Magic. Over the last year, Modern has had some memorable moments and big shakeups. Before we start looking forward to 2022, I’m going to look back at some of the defining events of this year, and share my feelings …
Overperformers and Underperformers: Modern in 2021
As the end of the year approaches, it’s a good time to reflect on the past year and what we learned from it. This applies to Magic as well: we’ve seen big changes in every Magic format this year, including my favorite format, Modern. I firmly believe that Modern is close to, if not the healthiest it’s been in years, …
Modern Tier List: December 2021
Hello, and welcome to another edition of the Modern Tier List! Modern is a wide and complex format with a lot of movement, which often makes ranking decks tricky. As such, this list is best viewed as a snapshot in time to help influence how you can build and update your deck week-to-week. Before we dive into the list, here’s …
What’s Better in Modern: Grixis Lurrus or Death’s Shadow?
Over the last few weeks, there has been a lot of discussion in the Grixis community about whether to include Death’s Shadow in your deck. While many of you can probably guess where I stand on this, I’m here today to present some facts about these two decks and when it’s best to play one over the other. First things …
Amulet Titan Makes A Comeback in Modern
At several points in Modern’s history, Amulet Titan has been the best deck in the format. It was once so dominant that Summer Bloom had to be banned to bring the deck back to a realistic power level. Over the years, Amulet Titan has taken on a variety of shapes: combo-heavy builds with Summer Bloom and Hive Mind, slower and …
Top 5 Budget Modern Decks
Modern is quickly becoming a pricey format to buy into if you don’t already have access to the staples. If you’re looking to get into the format without breaking the bank, we have five decks to share this week that will suit players of different play styles. Before we get started, I want to acknowledge that everyone’s budget is different, …