Top 5 Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Cards for Modern

Michael RappModern

Innistrad: Midnight Hunt brings us back to one of Magic‘s most beloved planes, and it also means new cards for one of Magic‘s most beloved formats — Modern! So far, Midnight Hunt seems much tamer than the original Innistrad in terms of power level; I don’t expect many, if any, format-defining cards from this set, but there are definitely a …

Modern Tier List: September 3, 2021

Michael RappModern

Hello, and welcome to my first Modern tier list here on Card Kingdom! Modern is a wide and complex format with a lot of movement, which often makes ranking decks tricky. As such, this list is best viewed as a snapshot in time to help influence how you can build and update your deck week-to-week.  Before we dive into the …

Modern Deck Guide: Jund Saga

Michael RappModern

Okay, okay, I get it. I can’t make fun of Jund players for being Boomers anymore, because — well, the latest version of Jund is full of new cards. It’s no secret that Jund badly needed a facelift, and what better way to do that than adding a stack of Modern Horizons 2 cards! Last weekend, Bullwinkkle6705 won a Modern …

Modern Living End Deck Guide

Michael RappModern

Cascade decks have been a pillar of Modern since the release of Modern Horizons 2, but Living End has been around for quite a lot longer. But long gone are the days of Demonic Dread and Monstrous Carabid. Living End went through another evolution once, with the addition of As Foretold and Electrodominance, which removed the cascade cards from the …

Modern How to Build Sideboards for Lurrus Decks

Building Sideboards for Lurrus Decks in Modern

Michael RappModern

Lurrus of the Dream-Den has been a pillar of Modern for a while now, and thanks to Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer and Dragon’s Rage Channeler, the archetype has been supercharged. Black and red are the common base colors for Lurrus decks, but as Modern has evolved, they’ve included all five colors at various points. Each splash color has its own strengths …

Modern Deck Guide Five-Color Elementals

Modern Deck Guide: Five-Color Elementals

Michael RappModern

The Modern metagame tends to move at one of two speeds. When a card or archetype becomes dominant, the metagame will change relatively slowly, and it may take a ban or an impactful set to shake things up. But if such a change does happen, the metagame may begin to shift rapidly, with decks changing position from week to week.  …

3 Underrated Modern Decks

3 Underrated Modern Decks: July 2021

Michael RappModern

By now Modern Horizons 2 has had time to show its impact on the Modern metagame. The four pillars of Modern are no secret, Lurrus of the Dream-Den midrange decks, Izzet Murktide, Hammer Time, and Cascade, these decks have by far seen the most success as of late. With every defined metagame there will always be decks hanging around the …

Modern Hammer Time Deck Guide

Modern Hammer Time Deck Guide

Michael RappModern

Stop! Hammer Ti…I probably should avoid copyright issues in the first sentence, huh?  Hammer Time — or, as I like to call it, Bonk Tribal — has been quite the force on Magic Online over the last few weeks. While it certainly isn’t a new deck, it did get a few new toys from Modern Horizons 2 that have led …

Modern Deck Highlight UR Murktide

Is Izzet Murktide the New Grixis Death’s Shadow?

Michael RappModern

Izzet decks have been all the rage in Modern lately. First, Izzet Prowess became a top deck, and now Izzet Murktide has taken those reins.  When I sat down and really dissected Izzet Murktide, I felt an odd sense of familiarity. I knew these play patterns and how this deck was designed. Then it hit me: Izzet Murktide is the …