Bloodbraid Elf and Jace, the Mind Sculptor were let loose on the Modern landscape this week, and players are still trying to build the best homes for their old friends. “Bloodbraid Elf is a slam-dunk in Jund… but can I play her in Titan Shift?” “Is discarding my own Jace to Disrupting Shoal the best way to counter my opponent’s …
Spotlight on: Lotus Cobra
Lotus Cobra has a fair bit of history attached to it, stretching all the way back to Extended. It was a key ramp piece in Mythic Bant (an Eldrazi Conscription/Sovereigns of Lost Alara combo deck), G/W Traps (Summoning Trap/Emrakul combo), and BUG Control (alongside Grave Titan and Jace, the Mind Sculptor). The key element that it brought to the table is …
Deck of the Week: Modern Grishoalbrand
(Editor’s note: With Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan not far behind us and new unbannings not far in the future, Modern has been the talk of the Magic community this week. We also just happen to have a Modern 1K coming up this Saturday, and we’ll be broadcasting all the action on our Twitch channel. To help get you in …
Deck of the Week: Modern Humans
Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan may be behind us, but Modern is still on many players’ minds. More Modern Grand Prix will be happening around the world this weekend, and overall perceptions of the format have been positive. Modern is as diverse as ever, with decks as disparate as Affinity and Lantern Control coexisting in the metagame. While Lantern Control …
Swimming with the Fishes
Merfolk was the first Modern deck I ever built, and as such it will always have a special place in my heart. Until Humans busted onto the scene, it was one of the few competitive Modern tribal decks, and dedicated Merfolk players have honed their Islandwalking strategies like sharpened knives. As a lover of aggressive decks and synergy, seeing Merfolk …
Deck of the Week: Modern Jeskai
We all have dreams about Magic from time to time – doing well in a tournament, or just winning epic games with our favorite decks. Some of us dream of going off with Storm or winning with a flurry of burn spells. Some attack with a swarm of small creatures, or one enormous one. Me, I just want to flash …
Making the Vala-Kut: A Titan Deck Primer
Valakut, Scapeshift, and Primeval Titan are the best of friends. Since its inception, the Valakut Scapeshift deck has been a powerful yet fringe strategy, and more recently, Valakut-centric “Titan Shift” decks are at the forefront of the Modern format. As a perpetual MTG grinder, I was particularly excited that Modern was the format of this PPTQ season. Modern is easily …
Constructing Constructed: Hour of Devastation
With each new set come new cards, ready to make a splash in Constructed formats. Part of the joy of preview season and new set releases is beginning to figure out what cards can slot into existing strategies, what cards can bolster fringe decks, and what cards can facilitate the creation of completely new archetypes! Hour of Devastation has been …
Modern and Legacy After GP Vegas
Grand Prix Vegas was a whirlwind of a weekend, so much so that it’s taken me a week to gather my wits and start analyzing the results. Modern was particularly interesting, as many players prepared to take down the big bad wolf of the format, Grixis Death’s Shadow. Contenders prepared a variety of strategies to attack the expected metagame. One …
Bant Spirits at GP Vegas
A couple of weeks ago, the Magic world descended on Las Vegas for a Triple Grand Prix Weekend. I was there, and had a blast playing in the Legacy and Modern GP’s. As an Event Coordinator for Mox Boarding House Seattle, I usually Judge Magic events four or five days a week, but rarely get to play myself – so …