Standard After Hour

Chantelle CampbellStandard

Pro Tour Hour of Devastation has come and gone – and what a whirlwind it was! When we left off before the Pro Tour, there were over ten potentially viable decks putting up numbers. While the limited data from Magic Online showed strong results for aggressive Mono-Red decks, I don’t think anyone could foresee that most of the pro teams …

The State of Standard: Pre-PT HOU

Chantelle CampbellStandard

It’s been a few weeks since Hour of Devastation was released, and the new format is in full swing. Teams have begun their testing gauntlets, and Standard leagues continue to be some of the most popular tournaments on Magic Online. With the Pro Tour looming on the horizon, I wanted to dive into what we might expect to see in …

Hour of Devastation Release: A Photo Essay

Card KingdomCommunity

Release Week is the busiest time of the year here at Card Kingdom. We receive thousands of preorders from customers around the world, and we aim to get the new product into players’ hands as quickly as we can. A ton of work goes into a production this large, so today, we wanted to give you a behind-the-scenes look at …

Hour of Promising Commander Cards

Aaron DurbinCommander

With new gods, a God-Pharaoh, old demons, and Crucible of Worlds on a stick, Commander is getting a handful of fresh, powerful spells when Hour of Devastation drops on Friday. While it’s easy to chase the new hotness, it’s also never too early to start speculating about sleeper cards. Here’s my shortlist of Commander cards that are flying slightly under …

Hour of Devastation Limited First Impressions

Hallie SantoLimited

The Hour of Devastation prerelease took place last weekend, and as has become my tradition, I signed up for a few tournaments at Mox Boarding House Seattle. After nearly five years of playing tournament Magic, prereleases are still among my favorite events. It’s always thrilling to open those shiny new booster packs put my Limited skills to the test with …

Red Mages Quarterly: Hour of Devastation

Simon IrvingStandard

Reports of the Red Deck’s demise have been greatly exaggerated. While much of this past Standard season was defined by the Aetherworks Marvel in the room, my red-deck-minded associates and I were enraptured by an entirely different strategy. I am of course talking about the SaffronOlive special, Two Tix Red. Despite some initial skepticism on my part, I’ve seen lists built …