When Wizards of the Coast moved their latest Banned and Restricted List update up to October 21st, Magic players knew that change was coming – most likely in Standard. As many suspected, Field of the Dead has earned a spot on the Standard banned list due to its warping effect on the format. Bant Golos decks thrived in midrange mirrors …
Mythic Championship V Recap
This weekend saw 68 of the world’s best Magic players put their Standard skills to the test in the most high-stakes arena possible. Mythic Championship V was the definitive test of the early Throne of Eldraine metagame – and with Wizards announcing early B&R changes, it was likely also the final test. Many Standard players were begging for that B&R …
Mythic Championship V: Top 10 Cards to Watch
The Mythic Championship is upon us, and we’ll be getting our first real look at competitive Standard since Throne of Eldraine was released. With Eldraine came many powerful new cards and synergies, from Planeswalkers to Food tokens. Let’s count down the Throne of Eldraine cards that will make the biggest splash at Mythic Championship V. 10. Fabled Passage A strict …
How to Beat Golos in Standard
Throne of Eldraine Standard has well and truly arrived, and there are all sorts of fun new cards and mechanics at play. But of course, one card from the previous set threatens to keep the entire plane of Eldraine in its shadow. The first big Standard tournaments have looked like Romero movies, and left some players just as horrified. With …
Simic Flash Deck Guide
Draw-Go decks created one of the original playstyles in Magic – one so fundamental their earliest incarnation was just called “The Deck.” Their most recent incarnation is called Simic Flash, and it has received some significant upgrades from Throne of Eldraine! In a Standard format heavily warped by Teferi, Time Raveler, this is the deck to sleeve up if you …
Standard Staples: Fall 2019
In my previous article, we discussed cards that were leaving Standard and how you should handle them. But just as much as the format is getting rocked by the loss of those cards, there are several staples sticking around. Here are some cards that you should be holding onto if you already own them, as they could be important keys …
Three Throne of Eldraine Creatures to Watch
Throne of Eldraine has been a pretty awesome set so far. So many of the cards look like contenders for both Standard and Modern, and there are a few that seem Legacy-playable. I’m really excited to see what all the ca- Wait…what? Brazen Borrower Oh…Okay. So, I’m going to cut to the chase here. This is, at the time of …
Planeswalking into Throne of Eldraine
We’ve seen all the new cards in Throne of Eldraine, and while there are many that we can start brewing with, there are a few specific characters that have walked through the blind eternities right into my heart. I’m of course talking about Oko, The Royal Scions, and someone we’ve been wondering about for quite some time: Garruk. With these …
Throne of Eldraine Card Spotlight: Clackbridge Troll
As one of the staple baddies of fantasy and myth since olden times, the mighty troll gets a bad rap in Magic. Since Sedge Troll debuted in Alpha, these hulking menaces have been constantly on the sidelines, while fairytale contemporaries like goblins, elves and giants have flourished. Even the troll’s signature ability, regeneration, has been removed from modern Magic design; …
Most Important Cards Leaving Standard: Fall 2019
The release of Throne of Eldraine draws ever closer. As it’s the fall release, that also means it’s time for Standard rotation. We’ll be losing four sets in Standard: Ixalan, Rivals of Ixalan, Dominaria, and Core Set 2019. The last two years have represented what is probably the most dynamic Standard environment to date, and I expect this trend to …