There are all kinds of creatures in Magic‘s Multiverse. Big creatures, small creatures; creatures you’d want to adopt as pets, and creatures you’d never want to cross on an interplanar journey. Some creatures in Magic are just downright frightening and intimidating. And, as with all things in Magic, there are ways the game expresses those qualities through mechanics. Today, we’re …
Leveraging Virtual Card Advantage in Commander
I’d like to talk about something a little different today, and that’s the idea of virtual card advantage. I recently put together a draft list of a Boros flicker deck, helmed by Archangel Avacyn. My goal was to have a little fun, running lots of cool ETB creatures like Dualcaster Mage and Wildfire Devils. Instead of the usual “greatest hits” …
Changeling – MTG Keywords Explained
We’re just ten days away from the release of Kaldheim, and you’ve probably seen at least a few cards from the set already. Like most Magic sets, Kaldheim features a mix of new mechanics as well as some returning mechanics from further back in the game’s history. One of these mechanics is changeling — an ability that allows your creatures …
New MTG Mechanic Spotlight: Foretell
If WotC set up Kaldheim spoiler season like a metal concert, then this week feels like the showstopping guitar solo. We’re seeing more and more powerful cards drop, many of which feature the set’s new cost-reduction mechanic: foretell. Appearing across all five colors and a wide variety of different cards, foretell has the potential to challenge players with sequencing choices …
Epic – MTG Keywords Explained
Some Magic keywords — like flying, trample, first strike, or deathtouch — have names that are pretty self-explanatory. But, as you dig deep into the history of the game, you find some pretty enigmatic entries. Take epic: a mechanic introduced in Saviors of Kamigawa. Sounds pretty impressive, but what does it do? Today, we’ll share what makes epic so — …
New MTG Mechanic Spotlight: Boast
Kaldheim spoiler season sure has given us an exciting start to 2021! New legends, new Gods, new modal double-faced cards, bearing all manner of powerful and unique effects. If anything, this candy-shop effect has left the actual mechanics of Kaldheim a bit lost in the shuffle! Boast and foretell are the latest in a string of very cool keywords WotC …
Fading & Vanishing – MTG Keywords Explained
Last week, we introduced the suspend mechanic: an ability that lets you trade mana for time. When you suspend a spell, you exile it with a number of time counters on it and cast the card once all the time counters are removed. But suspend isn’t the only ability that uses time counters. There are some permanents in Magic that …
Kaldheim Pathways and the Importance of Mana
I want to let you in on a secret. There’s one aspect of Magic: The Gathering that defines everything we do in the game, but we don’t think or talk about it as much as we should. I’m not talking about mulliganing, sideboarding, or card advantage — I’m talking about mana. Lands are some of the most impactful cards in …
Suspend – MTG Keywords Explained
One of the most important skills to master in Magic is mana efficiency. Using as much of your available mana as possible each turn will allow you to have a big impact on the game, and it’ll serve you well in future turns. There are a number of abilities in Magic that allow you to maximize your mana efficiency — …
Ripple – MTG Keywords Explained
Last week in this series, we covered storm: a mechanic that allows you to copy spells and often win the game with them. But storm isn’t the only keyword that allows you to copy spells. This week, we’re learning about a little-known mechanic called ripple! What is Ripple? Ripple is a triggered ability that goes off when a card with …