Bogles Deck Guide

Alex KatzCommunity, Strategy

Bogles are back in Standard! If you’ve played this archetype in Modern or Pauper, you’re probably either very excited, or already sideboarding against it. If you’re not sure what all the fuss is about, here are the basics of Bogles, including some fun facts and advice from noted Modern Bogles player Maria Bartholdi of Good Luck High Five. A Slippery …

How to Draft

Card KingdomLimited, Strategy

Drafting is one of the most popular forms of Magic: The Gathering, and with one of the lowest barriers to entry. For this reason, draft is ideal for new Magic players or players who are returning to the game after a break. If this sounds like you, we’re here to walk you through the basics of how to draft and …

How to Play Two-Headed Giant

Card KingdomStrategy

Valentine’s Day is coming up soon, and you know what that means, Magic players: time to head to your local game store’s Two-Headed Giant event! Two-Headed Giant is the ideal Magic format for couples, so it’s common for stores to mark the day of romance with a tournament. But 2-Headed Giant events also happen all year round, at prereleases and …

The Art of Hesitation

Tom AndersonStrategy

Magic is a game of gradual mastery. It’s an incredibly complex game, but new players continue to pick it up because they can do so one card at a time. Most of us start with simple decks and use them to master the basic structure of the game before moving on.  That basic structure — the essential decisions and actions …

When to Attack a Planeswalker

Alex KatzStrategy

Planeswalkers have played a powerful role in the Standard metagame for years; since the release of War of the Spark, there are more Planeswalkers in Standard than ever before. Their presence forces players to make an important choice: when is it appropriate to attack the Planeswalker, and when should you attack its controller instead? Attacking a Planeswalker reduces its loyalty …

12 Magic Cards that Defined 2019

Tom AndersonDesign, Strategy

2019 has been a massive year, in Magic and in general. So much happens with such intensity that it can be tough to put ourselves in the mindset of even a few months ago! So as we turn the final page on our calendars, let’s reflect on 2019 and count down the cards that defined the year in Magic. JANUARY: …

Best Lands in Magic

Alex KatzStrategy

Choosing lands is one of the hardest steps in building a multicolored deck. Each cycle of multicolored lands comes with different benefits and drawbacks, and evaluating them against each other can be a challenge. In this post, we’ll walk through the multicolored lands available in some popular formats and assess how useful they are. Our goal here is to provide …

How to Play An Aggro Deck

Tom AndersonStrategy

How many ways are there to count to twenty?  Aggressive decks in Magic and similar card games are often characterized as simpler and less skill-intensive than others. The idea is that playing a reactive midrange or control deck forces you to adapt to each opponent. But to excel with aggro is to play predictively – you need to anticipate how …

How to Mulligan

Michael RappStrategy

Deciding when to mulligan is one of the hardest skills to develop in Magic. I, like everyone else, have found myself scratching my head and wondering if I have a functional hand whenever I look at seven cards. I have found the single biggest factor in determining if a starting hand is keepable or if I should mulligan is not …

The Power of Process-Oriented Thinking

Chantelle CampbellStrategy

Magic is a game of variance. It’s probably something you’ve heard a million times before – I know I have. But in the heat of the moment, when your opponent finds the perfect one-outer on the top of their deck or you draw what must be your twelfth land in a row, it can be easy to forget, and for …