Commander is a format with many must-answer threats and problems to deal with. You can only pack so much removal in your deck, so how can you get the most out of it? How can you make your removal go further in Commander?
I’m a big advocate of running plenty of removal, and although I will often opt for the most efficient answers – Swords to Plowshares, Nature’s Claim, Anguished Unmaking – the efficient answers don’t tend to win you quite so many games at a Casual level. By Casual, I’m talking about games that go at least 8 turns. In those games, you need to get the most out of your removal.
Removal in 1v1 formats is often a “1 for 1” – exchanging one card to get rid of another. This can gain you tempo, but importantly, doesn’t leave you at a card disadvantage. In Commander, you do want to run some single target removal, sure; but you also want to, where you can, get rid of multiple things at a time.
Removal spells that let you target multiple permanents from each opponent are always good. Disorienting Choice and Grasp of Fate are eminently playable right now, and I would play them in plenty of green or white decks. Playing spells like this gains you a lot of tempo, as it means that along with getting rid of a Priority Alpha level threat, you get to snipe a few engine pieces from other players to slow them down.
Heliod’s Intervention feels like it’s gotten a bit better lately, with lifegain being so important in staying in games. Destroying one or two permanents early while having the option to get rid of more later is excellent – it’s what makes Vandalblast’s and Cyclonic Rift’s Overload option so good.
Another angle to consider here is how token decks tend to spread wide quite quickly, particularly if they make tokens in the command zone. Edict effects which hit creatures don’t tend to disrupt those decks much, so you need to think about playing Sheoldred or Accursed Marauder instead of only the classics like Plaguecrafter.
The obvious way to get the most out of your removal is to run removal that can be repeated. This is most often on creatures with strong EtB and Attack triggers.
The “Titans” were the original baddies in this regard, and Inferno Titan is still really good. I’ve enjoyed using Infuse with Vitality in my Jund Henzie deck in order to “buy back” a blitzer, and in Inferno Titan’s case, I get to use it to give deathtouch to those first round of pings before it dies, which is some serious value.
Newer cards quite often have EtB and Attack triggers, which shows how far creatures have come. Aerial Extortionist has been a high performer for me, netting plenty of extra cards and extra slowdown on opposing permanents.
If you want something that can slot into most decks, consider Cityscape Leveler from BRO that will leave opponents saying “bro” as well.
Of course, EtB + Attack isn’t the only repeatable removal. Royal Assassin, Intrepid Hero and Vona, Butcher of Magan can all do a lot of work. I particularly like Vona – whether in Vampire decks, Knight decks, or any deck that can gain increments of life.
Another way to get more out of your removal is to use it again, by literally grabbing it back.
Pinnacle Monk and Bala Ged Recovery are two MDFC lands that red and green decks respectively can utilize to get back useful cards and “go again”. Slotting these into your manabase is easy.
Eternal Witness and Archaomancer are classics for a reason. They can be recurred, cloned, flickered or bounced to use again and again, and are a good rate for getting removal back.
My favorite card in this regard is Reconstruct History (the Boros Harmonize). I think it’s better than Harmonize, though, as even getting just two cards back, you’ll often grab a protection spell and a removal spell, which is a really good combo. A second Path to Exile and a second Boros Charm is a really good rate for four mana upfront.
You should consider what kind of deck you’re playing, and whether you can leverage recursion options for different permanent types. A deck led by Emry or playing her in the 99 can recur anything from a Torrential Gearhulk to an Executioner’s Capsule. Teshar decks can get back Cathar Commando and Skyclave Apparition by triggering Teshar. Try and build around your theme to get these nice synergies.
Spellslinger builds, Superfriend Planeswalker builds, and aggro builds can all play Chandra, Acolyte of Flame to recur mana value 3 or less removal. Getting extra recursion where you can can help to give you more options. It’s why Kaevek, the Punisher is so good. Getting to double up on all of your spells is very, very strong.
Of course, you could just opt to use spells with Flashback that can literally be used more than once.
Rite of Oblivion is a stunner that I continue to enjoy. It’s a really efficient removal spell especially given you and put food, clues and treasure into it to satisfy the clause.
Gruul decks get Ancient Grudge and Dire-Strain Rampage – the latter can be used as a Harrow effect should you need to ramp, which is cute.
A board wipe with flashback is ideal for some decks looking to self-mill or wheel away cards in hand. I run Divine Reckoning in Hofri still because of this exact reasoning, even over “better” options.
Shenanigans has Flashback of another sort, by using Dredge to redraw it. It’s a good job we haven’t had a removal spell with Retrace, when you think about it.
Snapcaster Mage and his bigger meaner brother, Torrential Gearhulk, are suitable for reusing all manner of spells from removal to draw. I like running these in more controlling builds. Scholar of the Lost Trove can work well too, in the right build.
Sometimes, someone else has the tool you need to finish the job. For those times, I like using Snapcaster’s cousin – Snatchcaster Mage – to grab what I need. I love playing this card so much, and it’s a reason I play red so much, I’ll be completely honest. I’ve used it for all sorts of shenanigans, but the primary use is either to grab some card draw, or to grab an immediate answer.
Other colors can get in on the action too, but it’s a predominantly Grixis kinda move. Memory Plunder surprises me still to this day. While it is color intensive to cast, it’s a fabulous tool considering it can be cast an Instant speed. You can cast some big spells with this, for only the four mana you put into it.
Blue is the best at stealing opponent’s spells. A good creature option is Chancellor of the Spires, but if you’re not interested in a seven drop, then look at Flawless Forgery and Spelltwine instead.
Protection spells are very useful in Commander, but what if I told you your protection could serve double duty?
Packing Ephemerate or Ghostly Flicker as protection spells can allow you to get a second shot at your EtB removal creatures. This lets you have a more flexible approach and makes all of the cards in your deck worth that little bit more.
Sword of Hearth and Home is a great ramp piece that rewards you for running EtB creatures too.
Consider how the narrowness of Touch the Spirit Realm and Parting Gust can be expanded if you choose to flicker your creature with them – a creature that might have a stronger removal effect than these removal pieces in that exact moment.
You gotta play removal, and you always need more of it than you think. Take care to get the most out of it by utilizing some of these tips.

Kristen is Card Kingdom’s Head Writer and a member of the Commander Format Panel. Formerly a competitive Pokémon TCG grinder, she has been playing Magic since Shadows Over Innistrad, which in her opinion, was a great set to start with. When she’s not taking names with Equipment and Aggro strategies in Commander, she loves to play any form of Limited.