Cosima EDH art

Jumping through hoops is fun with Cosima Landfall in EDH

Kristen takes us on a voyage with her Cosima Landfall EDH deck. She highlights how it’s fun to put aside straightforward decks to jump through hoops from time to time. Hey folks! Last week I covered five great Commanders to try Battle for Baldur’s Gate’s new Background enchantments with, and one of the options I mentioned was Cosima, God of ... Read More...

Modern Tier List: July 2022

Michael’s back with another update to the Modern Tier List! With lots of high-level play over the last month, there’s been a lot of movement! Welcome back to the Modern Tier List for July 2022 on Card Kingdom! This month has featured high level competitive events including a 400+ player MTGO PTQ and SCG Syracuse, and of course we can ... Read More...

MTG History: The Nalathni Dragon Controversy (July 15th, 1994)

Nizzahon looks at a significant event on this day in MTG history. On July 15th, 1994, Nalathni Dragon stirred up some controversy! Hi everyone, and welcome back to another edition of “This Day in Magic History.” Most articles in this series look at fairly large events in Magic history, like the creation of a new format, the bannings of a ... Read More...

Why You’re Losing in Pioneer

As RCQ Season gets into full swing, Mason takes a look at common mistakes Pioneer players make, and what adjustments to make to fix them. Pioneer is Magic: the Gathering’s rising star these days. You may even be trying to learn the format right now. However, Pioneer is also a new frontier, with players flailing through unexplored territory before the ... Read More...

Dominaria United Predictions

We have a bit of a breather in the Magic release scheduleso time to look ahead! Tom gives us his best guesses for Dominaria United! I almost hesitated to pitch this article to my editors. For many months now, it’s felt like the community is nearly drowning in new cards. There’s regular mixups over whether spoiled cards are Standard or ... Read More...

State of Standard

Standard! That’s right, an article about the state of Standard! Back in the days of the old Pro Tour, Standard was the constructed format of three out of every four of them. A powerhouse format, driving much of the conversation in constructed Magic, and making up the majority of high-level competitive play, nearly every Friday Night Magic had an option for Standard ... Read More...

Level Up – MTG Keywords Explained

Level Up is the mechanic that Class was based on, and appears on creatures (known as Levelers). Level Up creatures enter the battlefield at Level 0, and have a Level Up ability on them, along with a text box split into three distinct sections, each with their own power and toughness. At level 0, they have the power and toughness ... Read More...