Spotlight On: Phyrexian Obliterator

A long time ago in Magic history, creatures were bad. Really bad. Three mana didn’t get you much compared to…other options available. Take these two rares from Ice Age:     A 2/2 Swampwalk vs. One of the most busted cards in Magic history. Fast forward a few years to Urza’s Destiny and the printing of this absolute monster: I ... Read More...

Shivan Dragon and Me

I went to the band room before recess ended to grab my trombone and set up my music. My friends usually congregated there to just chill out and talk about the nerdy pursuits of the day, anyway, so I figured I’d go hang out. When I got there, my friends were huddled in a circle on the ground in the ... Read More...

Casting off “The Mantle”: Female Friendships in Competitive Magic

Last October I attended Canadian Nationals, and it was my first time staying in a house with other women. Normally it’s just me – the lone girl in my friend group ­– duking it out with the guys. Before that weekend, I had always preached the importance of female representation in Magic without ever having experienced its effects first-hand. I ... Read More...

Card Kingdom Presents: Magic for Her!

Here at Card Kingdom, we know how hard it is to be a woman in the Magic community. Papercuts are no joke! Plus, have you ever held up your cards for five straight minutes while your opponent was comboing off? Super exhausting! That’s why we’ve created a new product for all the ladies who want to draw cards, cast spells, ... Read More...

The Case for Land Destruction

Greetings readers, and defenders of the Commander Social Contract! People have many reasons for playing Commander, and it is our prerogative as players to seek differing viewpoints to understand other players’ idea of fun – for understanding’s sake, and also become better Magic-playing humans. To this end, I’ve done my best to prepare the most logical argument on behalf of ... Read More...

Deck of the Week: Modern Affinity

Bloodbraid Elf and Jace, the Mind Sculptor were let loose on the Modern landscape this week, and players are still trying to build the best homes for their old friends. “Bloodbraid Elf is a slam-dunk in Jund… but can I play her in Titan Shift?” “Is discarding my own Jace to Disrupting Shoal the best way to counter my opponent’s ... Read More...

The Far Side of the Self: Huatli Explores Ixalan

In our previous Magic Story recap, we took a look at how Ixalan’s themes of discovery and exploration helped develop Vraska from a young, unjustly imprisoned convict to a confident pirate captain. This week, we’ll examine at how these same themes propel Ixalan’s native Planeswalker, Huatli, into a place of introspection and character growth. Huatli’s search for the Immortal Sun ... Read More...