Momir Basic IRL
Of all the formats you can play on Magic Online, Momir Basic is undoubtedly the strangest. Players start the game with 60 basic lands and a Momir Vig, Simic Visionary Avatar, and throughout the game, they take turns discarding lands to generate token copies of random creatures. It’s a swingy format, and as a competitive player who aims to minimize ... Read More...
The Importance of Calling a Judge
Welcome to The Judge Corner, a column designed to explain some things in that happen in the Magic Judge world and show how those things are important to you, the players. We’ll cover new mechanics, changes to rules and policy, why and how judges do deck checks, and other relevant things to help improve your play and your interactions with judges ... Read More...
Top 8 Cards of Pro Tour Amonkhet
With Felidar Guardian out of the picture, all eyes were on Pro Tour Amonkhet to see what might be next for Standard. If you’re looking to dive back into Standard at Amonkhet Game Day or your next Friday Night Magic, here are some cards and strategies you should keep in mind. (Honorable Mention: New Perspectives. The cycling combo deck may ... Read More...
Constellation Draft Bundles
A Chaos Draft is always a treat for a Limited playgroup, but choosing the right packs can be tricky. How will old vanilla creatures match up against their newer, more aggressive counterparts? Will the set mechanics mesh or clash? Should you even bother to pick up a pack from an artifact block? We created Draft Bundles to provide players with a ... Read More...
Army of One
Hi, I’m Adam, and I’ve been playing Magic for over twenty years. I also enjoy creating things, and I’ve spent much of my spare time designing custom cards, mechanics, and sets. I also love to create new ways to play Magic and building new and exciting decks for unexplored formats. I enjoy winning, of course, but I prefer to win in ... Read More...
Amonkhet Standard, Now With Fewer Cats!
Whenever a new set comes out, we hope for some shakeups in the Standard format. Existing strategies get some new options, and with a little luck, some entirely new strategies will leap to the forefront of the format and keep everyone on their toes. Amonkhet was released a week and a half ago, and with it, a whole slew of ... Read More...
Judge’s Tower: Serenity Now
Hello, and welcome to the Judge’s Tower! Judge’s Tower is a Magic format for self-deprecating people (more info about which can be found here:, the point of which is that everything you do must be done absolutely correctly within the rules; the only way to lose is the get something wrong. I’m Chris, a Level 2 judge at Mox Boarding ... Read More...