Card Kingdom Presents the Ravnican Rumble!

Card KingdomLivestreams

Guilds of Ravnica is finally here, and we’re celebrating with a special livestream. Introducing the Ravnican Rumble!

On Tuesday, October 9th at 2:00 PM PST, five Card Kingdom and Mox Boarding House employees will represent the five guilds of Guilds of Ravnica in a round-robin event, which we’ll be broadcasting live from Card Kingdom Studios in Seattle.

Here’s a brief run-down of the rules:

  • The format is what we like to call All Ravnica Constructed. Ravnica, Guildpact, Dissension, Return to Ravnica, Gatecrash, Dragon’s Maze, and Guilds of Ravnica are all legal.
  • All players are responsible for building a 60-card deck and a 15-card sideboard, and they cannot include more than 4 copies of a card (excluding basic lands).
  • Each player must build a deck related to their chosen guild. While we’ve given them plenty of creative freedom, they cannot use cards associated with another guild (based on watermark or flavor text).
  • The event will last five rounds, and each player will play two matches.

Will the Boros be victorious? Will the Golgari Swarm overwhelm the competition? Tune in on Tuesday at!