Modern and Legacy After GP Vegas

Chantelle CampbellLegacy, Modern

Grand Prix Vegas was a whirlwind of a weekend, so much so that it’s taken me a week to gather my wits and start analyzing the results. Modern was particularly interesting, as many players prepared to take down the big bad wolf of the format, Grixis Death’s Shadow. Contenders prepared a variety of strategies to attack the expected metagame. One …

4 Flavors of Death’s Shadow

Chantelle CampbellModern

Since its breakout performance at Grand Prix Vancouver in February at the hands of Josh Utter-Leyton and team, the bold new take on Death’s Shadow has quickly made a name for itself as the deck to beat in Modern. Utter-Leyton, Gerry Thompson, and Sam Black all made Top 8 with a new Death’s Shadow list that cut down on the …