Tarkir: Dragonstorm is so close I can smell the fire and brimstone. It’s so close that the pre-sale has begun here at Card Kingdom! Only a handful of cards have been revealed so far, but one of the first ones they showed us is a doozy – Stormscale Scion. It comes packing one of the most powerful mechanics in the …
5 Underrated Commander Cards in Fate Reforged
Tarkir: Dragonstorm is just around the corner. In fact, Card Kingdom’s presale kicks off today! In this much-anticipated set, we’ll be returning to the plane of Tarkir for the first time since 2015. To get us in the mood for the set, I’ve written a few articles recently about the older Tarkir sets. A few weeks back, I took a …
A Brief (Re)Introduction to the Clans of Tarkir
We got our first detailed look at Tarkir: Dragonstorm last week. It is our next Standard-release set, and it’s scheduled to drop on April 11th. And the pre-sale begins March 5th here at Card Kingdom! The original Tarkir block was highly influential, especially because it introduced five factions that occupy each of Magic’s three-color wedges. The names of these factions …
5 Underrated Dragons of Tarkir Cards for Commander
The next Standard-release set is Tarkir: Dragonstorm, and it’s the first time we’ll be returning to the eponymous plane since 2015. This got me thinking about the set that came out that year – Dragons of Tarkir. On the whole, it’s a set that hasn’t had a major impact on Commander. Impact Tremors is the only card in the set …
Is Afterburner Expert Too Good?
Creatures that can return to the battlefield from the graveyard have a very good track record in competitive Magic: the Gathering and we got a new one in Aetherdrift – Afterburner Expert. This Goblin can return to the graveyard any time you activate an Exhaust ability. Tacking on a 4/2 to any one of those abilities is quite powerful. It …
Which is the Best Energy Precon?
Energy made its debut in Kaladesh back in 2016, and for a long while we didn’t see very much of the mechanic outside of that Block. However, that’s changed a lot over the last year, when there has been a huge surge of energy cards, especially in Commander. In that time, there have been three energy-focused Commander precons. The first …
What Happens in Aetherdrift?
Aetherdrift releases on February 14th. Its story follows the events of the Ghirapur Grand Prix, an incredibly dangerous multi-planar race. This race was made possible by the opening of the Omenpaths following the events of the Phyrexian invasion. These portals allow anyone – and not just planeswalkers – to travel between planes. Many characters old and new are competing in …
5 Underrated Vehicles for Commander
The release of Aetherdrift is right around the corner, arriving on February 1st (you can preorder now!). Well, I should probably say it’s “just down the road,” because Aetherdrift’s setting is a multiplanar race. That means we should expect to see a whole lot of vehicles. In fact, as I’m writing this we’ve already seen a few. In Magic’s more …
The Five Most Flavorful Innistrad Double-Faced Cards
Double-faced cards are one of the most popular mechanics in Magic: the Gathering. A double-faced card (DFC) has a regular card frame on each side and no card back. They made their debut in Innistrad way back in 2011, where they were used to indicate the dual nature of many of the denizens of the plane. On Innistrad, the moon …
2024’s Best Draft Build-Arounds
In Limited Magic a build-around card is one that needs the right cards around it in order for it to pan out as an effective card in your deck. In other words, you usually have to “build-around” it. Typically, this term gets used for cards that ask for some type of synergy that isn’t one of the main themes in …