How Do Planeswalkers Work?

Hallie SantoStrategy

Jace, the Mind Sculptor. Liliana of the Veil. Oko, Thief of Crowns. Planeswalkers are some of the most powerful and recognizable cards in Magic: The Gathering history. They function differently than other types of Magic cards and essentially serve as additional players in the game. But the same qualities that make Planeswalkers so successful in the hands of experienced players …

What is a Mana Curve?

Bradley RoseStrategy

In your time playing Magic: The Gathering, you might’ve heard the term “mana curve.” Or perhaps “curve out” or “on-curve.” If you’re wondering what these words mean – or if this is your first time hearing them – you’re in luck! This article’s got you covered. I’ll be going over what a mana curve is and what a good one …

Trample – MTG Keywords Explained

Card KingdomStrategy

As you learn the rules of Magic: The Gathering, there’s plenty of game terminology you have to learn, too. Creatures have all kinds of abilities – but what do they do, and how do they interact with one another? We’re here to break it all down for you on the CK Blog! Today, we’re covering trample – an ability designed …

The Colors of Magic

Which Color of Magic Should You Play?

Tom AndersonDesign

Magic has a rare distinction among games, in that for many players it has become a lifelong preoccupation. The incredible depth and variety of the card pool is what supports this long-term interest. But for newcomers, that variety can be intimidating. There’s such a range of formats and play styles to choose from, each of which appeals to different kinds …

How to Play a Midrange Deck

Michael RappStrategy

Welcome back to Card Kingdom for another “How to Play” archetype breakdown. Today, we’ll be focusing on the most popular macro-archetype in current Standard: Midrange. Be sure to check out Tom Anderson’s guide on aggro decks, and be on the lookout for control and combo primers in the future.  What is Midrange? Magic decks exist on a spectrum, with fast, …

Preconstructed Decks for New Magic Players

Hallie SantoProducts

When you first learn to play Magic: The Gathering, building your first deck can be daunting. If you’ve only played a handful of games, you may not have enough cards in your collection to put a full deck together. And even if you were lucky enough to inherit some spare cards from friends, you may be stymied by decision paralysis …

How Much Are Your Magic Cards Worth?

Tom AndersonCommunity

“How much are Magic cards worth?” “Which Magic cards are worth the most money?” “What makes Magic cards so expensive?”  Believe it or not, these are the most-asked Magic: The Gathering questions on the internet. As experienced players dive deeper into Magic, we may lose sight of how unusual and unpredictable the price tags are on rare and staple cards. …

Playing Tap Lands in Aggro Decks

DeQuan WatsonStandard

Sometimes, in Standard, we have access to a lot of lands that come into play tapped. These are exciting for deck-building purposes because they give you access to more colors of mana, which, in turn, provides players with a ton of flexibility. But lands that enter the battlefield tapped have major downsides. You don’t have immediate access to the mana …

Rookie’s Guide to MTG Slang

Card KingdomVideo

Like most hobbies, Magic: The Gathering has developed a lexicon all its own. Go into any game store and you’ll hear players talk about “top-decking” the perfect card, casting “cantrips,” and “splashing” in their draft decks. If you’re new to the game, it can be hard to understand what experienced players are even talking about! We’ve all been there — …