7 "Bad" Commander Cards That Are Secretly Underrated

7 “Bad” Commander Cards That Are Secretly Underrated

Kristen GregoryCommander

Kristen has a selection of “bad” Commander cards that have gotten better with time. Trends come and go in Commander, and sometimes cards that were considered “unplayable” or “bad EV” get their moment in the spotlight once more. These cards are pretty underrated.  When you’ve played Commander a while, it’s easy to follow time-honored heuristics when choosing cards for decks, …

Five Underrated Commander Cards from The Dark

Jacob LacknerCommander

The Dark is one of Magic’s oldest sets. It released on Aug. 8, 1994 and was the game’s fourth expansion. There are two cards from the set that see heavy play in Commander — Elves of Deep Shadow and Fellwar Stone.  These two cards provide a great mana boost very efficiently. While they certainly deserve to be the two most …