“Hurricane Harold”: Brewing with Storm Herald

Tom AndersonStandard

“This is the story of the Hurricane… and it won’t be over ‘til he wins a game…” Magic is an amazing creative outlet, which is a big part of how the game has found success over the past few decades. Casual players love formats like Commander for the freedom it grants to play whatever cards or archetypes they can think …

Theros Beyond Death Cards: Green

Tom AndersonDesign

Welcome back, fellow Theros petitioners. By now, we’ve all had the chance to get a little more familiar with Theros Beyond Death thanks to streamer previews, Prereleases, and MTGA Sealed. I hope you’ve all enjoyed your early experiences with this sweet set! But evaluations of the set still haven’t settled, and there are still more Theros Beyond Death cards to …

Theros Beyond Death: Black Cards

Tom AndersonDesign

Hark, and hear the hounds of Hades howl! The arrival of Theros Beyond Death draws near, and it is time for us to review the most exciting cards spoiled in black for this new set. Fans of red, white and blue can catch up on the previous articles in the series — but for those who appreciate greatness at any …

Theros Beyond Death: Blue Cards

Tom AndersonDesign

Aaah, can you smell the salt in the air today? No, it’s not just the aftermath of the latest B&R announcement — it’s time to look at blue spoilers for Theros Beyond Death! We’re continuing our countdown to the set’s release by covering each color in turn; check out the white and red spoiler discussions if you need to get …

Theros Beyond Death: White Cards

Tom AndersonDesign

Welcome back, Theros fans! In the days since I wrote my spoiler analysis article for red, we’ve already seen exciting new gods, titans, heroes and Planeswalkers. Today, I’ll push on and talk through the most exciting Theros Beyond Death spoilers for white: a color which is attracting more than its usual share of attention after falling off the radar with …

Theros Beyond Death: Red Cards

Tom AndersonDesign

Welcome to 2020, Magicians and Planeswalkers! Wizards kicked off a new decade of Magic with a bang, flooding the internet with spoilers for the next Standard set over the past few days. Spoiler season is always an exciting time for the community, offering players the thrill of “discovering” the game again and promising those tired of current metagames some relief. …

Improving White Cards for 2020

Tom AndersonDesign

There are many reasons why Magic, more than any of its competitors and imitators, has stood the test of time for more than a quarter-century. But the fundamental balance and choice provided through the five-color system stands out as by far the most important. The color pie allows players self-expression, a sense of identity. It creates variation between top decks …

Enchantments Matter

Tom AndersonDesign

In today’s column, I’m speaking from my soul. Enchantments are my favorite card type in Magic, and I want to be able to play more of them! While creatures are the fundamental drivers of interaction and decision-making in most formats, enchantments add layers to those decisions, making them more complex. That also applies to card evaluations – I love how …

The Art of Hesitation

Tom AndersonStrategy

Magic is a game of gradual mastery. It’s an incredibly complex game, but new players continue to pick it up because they can do so one card at a time. Most of us start with simple decks and use them to master the basic structure of the game before moving on.  That basic structure — the essential decisions and actions …