This weekend saw 68 of the world’s best Magic players put their Standard skills to the test in the most high-stakes arena possible. Mythic Championship V was the definitive test of the early Throne of Eldraine metagame – and with Wizards announcing early B&R changes, it was likely also the final test. Many Standard players were begging for that B&R …
How to Beat Golos in Standard
Throne of Eldraine Standard has well and truly arrived, and there are all sorts of fun new cards and mechanics at play. But of course, one card from the previous set threatens to keep the entire plane of Eldraine in its shadow. The first big Standard tournaments have looked like Romero movies, and left some players just as horrified. With …
Simic Flash Deck Guide
Draw-Go decks created one of the original playstyles in Magic – one so fundamental their earliest incarnation was just called “The Deck.” Their most recent incarnation is called Simic Flash, and it has received some significant upgrades from Throne of Eldraine! In a Standard format heavily warped by Teferi, Time Raveler, this is the deck to sleeve up if you …
Throne of Eldraine Card Spotlight: Clackbridge Troll
As one of the staple baddies of fantasy and myth since olden times, the mighty troll gets a bad rap in Magic. Since Sedge Troll debuted in Alpha, these hulking menaces have been constantly on the sidelines, while fairytale contemporaries like goblins, elves and giants have flourished. Even the troll’s signature ability, regeneration, has been removed from modern Magic design; …
Adventure on Eldraine
Like children who can’t wait to hear their favorite bedtime story, the Magic community is once again giddy with excitement over spoiler season. Throne of Eldraine is looking to be one of the most flavorful sets of all time, tapping beloved fairy tales and Arthurian legend for resonant top-down designs. Just the thought of beating down with The Gingerbread Man …
Planeswalkers in Brawl
In a much-anticipated move, Wizards of the Coast have used the Throne of Eldraine preview season as a chance to debut their Commander-lite format, Brawl, on Magic Arena. Fans of digital Magic finally have the opportunity to build decks commanded by their favorite legendary creature – or Planeswalker! Yes, one of the highlights of Brawl is that it allows you …
B&R Announcement Shakes Up Modern
Well, it happened. As Modern players, we had known it was coming for a long time; we joked about it, argued about it, even prayed for it to come sooner! But now that the event is upon us, we must make sense of the new world we’ve woken up to. AUGUST 26 MODERN B&R:Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis is banned. After a …
7 Commander Decks You’ll Find at Your Next MagicFest
Commander is Magic‘s most beloved casual format. It doesn’t rotate, there’s no restrictive legality rules, and it’s built with big, splashy multiplayer games in mind. Anyone can build a Commander deck, often at a fraction of the cost of competitive Constructed formats. Nowadays, Wizards even creates specific products to support Commander, like the Commander 2019 decks. Best of all, Commander …
Creating a Commander Playgroup
Just a few days ago, we offered some tips on how to build your first Commander deck. If you’re still looking for ideas, the upcoming Commander 2019 precons are a perfect starting point! These decks come out of the box ready for high-powered multiplayer action. But for the best Commander experience, you’ll want to find a consistent group of players …
10 Cards to Bring Back with Brought Back
It seems as though every new set nowadays is jammed full of “project cards.” These cards do weird, but powerful things, tempting players to try and build new decks to harness them. In Core Set 2020, one such card still waiting for time in the spotlight is Brought Back. Just look at this thing! The power level and mana cost of …