Zendikar Rising is full of exciting legendary creatures with great Commander brewing potential. In addition to the class tribal options I showcased in a recent Brawl article, there are interesting commanders for landfall, party matters, Aristocrats, and even control. In this article, I’ll walk through how to build exciting Commander decks for four of those legends, with a price limit …
Let’s Get Clerical: Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim
Clerics are the flavor of the week right now with Orah, Skyclave Hierophant offering a great new Commander for Cleric tribal builds. Ever the contrarian, I’ve decided to revisit Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim instead. She’s just so damn cool. Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim Ayli is first and foremost a rewarding play experience, and I think that’s one of the reasons I’m always …
The Cards You Play in Commander Don’t Matter
The cards you play in Commander don’t matter, and I don’t mean that from a “play whatever you like” perspective. While it is true that we could all benefit from relaxing things from time to time — playing more pet cards and fewer “all-stars” — that’s not what I’d like to talk about today. Now that I’ve reeled you in …
Bolstering Boros: Building Akiri, Fearless Voyager
Akiri, Fearless Voyager is a Boros card that says “draw a card.” More than that, she’s a Boros commander that says draw a card. How good is she? What kind of decks does she slot into? What’s the best way to utilize her? If you’ve kept up with my articles over at Hipsters of the Coast, you might be familiar …
Commander Cards to Pick Up for 2020 Rotation
The 2020 rotation is upon us with Zendikar Rising’s release, and the Standard format waves goodbye to many great cards. As Commander players, this is the moment we’ve been waiting for: it’s time to buy some new singles! Today, I’m going to be sharing my picks of the best cards to pick up this September. Rotation is a great time …
A New Adventure, A New Expedition – Zendikar Rising
Zendikar Rising is right around the corner, and I’m really excited to embark on a new adventure. With a new trip to Zendikar come new Expedition lands, and new modal double-faced lands, too! Today, I’ll be sharing why I’m so excited to return to Zendikar, and my thoughts on the modal double-faced lands. Expedition Envoy Meets Expedition Envy I’d like …
Converting Brawl Decks to Commander Decks
The upcoming release of Zendikar Rising marks the start of a new Standard rotation. Cards from Guilds of Ravnica, Ravnica Allegiance, War of the Spark, and Core Set 2020 will be leaving Standard to make room for a new year of Magic sets. If you’ve enjoyed playing Brawl over the last couple of years, it can be disappointing to see …
Commander Collection: Green
Last fall, Wizards declared 2020 “The Year of Commander,” and it’s proven to be the biggest year for the format yet. We received five new Commander precon decks with the release of Ikoria, and four more are coming over the course of the year. Commander Legends will shake up the format with new partner combinations and new ways to play. …
Commander on a Budget: Prossh
No matter your budget, you can do cool things using classic deck-building archetypes. One such popular archetype is Elves, which I discussed in my recent Rhys the Redeemed deck tech; others include White Weenie, which plays a lot of cheap white creatures and group buffs, and Burn, whose goal is to kill your opponent as quickly as possible with damage-dealing …
Commander on a Budget: Rhys the Redeemed
One of the best things about Magic: The Gathering is how accessible it can be. As I discussed in my last article, you can curate a fun Cube experience on any budget. The same is true for Constructed formats, including Commander. Building Commander decks on a budget is not only a great way to make the game more accessible, but …