A Letter to Our Community

Card KingdomCommunity

We have remained silent on Black Lives Matter until now because historically we do not comment on issues, and we don’t want to participate in performative  allyship.  Rather, we’ve tried to participate in fundraising and creating a welcoming environment in our spaces. However,  we now acknowledge that this is an instance where we need to voice our opinion and respond  to …

Enter the Arena: The Official Gladiator Primer

Benjamin WheelerCommunity

While I can’t pinpoint the exact moment in time my aversion to multiples in Magic began developing, I’m forever grateful that legions of like-minded singleton players empathized with my predicament. It was comforting to know that my preference for “one-ofs” and decks of mammoth proportions happened to be shared among Commander players and competitive singleton formats alike. Yet for me, …

How Much Are Your Magic Cards Worth?

Tom AndersonCommunity

“How much are Magic cards worth?” “Which Magic cards are worth the most money?” “What makes Magic cards so expensive?”  Believe it or not, these are the most-asked Magic: The Gathering questions on the internet. As experienced players dive deeper into Magic, we may lose sight of how unusual and unpredictable the price tags are on rare and staple cards. …

Cats of Ikoria

Michelle RappCommunity

Cats: Winners of the Internet, Havers of Cheezburgers, and Champions of Cute Memes. Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths has wisely chosen to feature these fabulous felines as one of its creature types, along with dinosaurs and even flying sharks. In a set that’s filled with campiness, cats add that extra flavor of cuteness that many players crave in a Magic expansion. …

Magic: The Gathering for Minecrafters

Alex KatzCommunity

Magic: the Gathering is a game about collecting resources, developing strategies that match your personal aesthetic, and competing with your friends. In those ways and others, it’s a lot like Minecraft. Here are some things you’ll like about Magic if you play a lot of Minecraft. Creative Expression Magic, like Minecraft, gives players a set of materials and rules for …

Interview with Daarken

Card KingdomCommunity

Our presales for Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths and Commander 2020 have officially begun, and we’re excited to unveil a unique token that our customers will receive with their preorders. We teamed up with renowned Magic artist Mike “Daarken” Lim to create this exclusive 3/3 beast token. Daarken has drawn some of Magic‘s most iconic monsters, so we were excited to …

How to Organize Your Magic Collection

How to Organize Your Magic Collection

Bradley RoseCommunity, Products

The heart of Magic: The Gathering is playing with others, and COVID-19 has brought major challenges to our community. Thankfully, though, you can still enjoy and engage with Magic on your own. One solo activity you could try is organizing your Magic collection! Sometimes, card organization can be time-consuming. In fact, you might have been putting off this task because …

How to Play Competitive Magic Online

Michael RappCommunity

Times are tough for everyone right now, even more so if you’re a fan of the “gathering” aspect of Magic. If you’re primarily a tabletop Magic player like me, social distancing is putting a damper on your play time. Earlier this week, Tom Anderson wrote a wonderful article on how to play Magic from home, which provides a great introduction …

Which MTG Creatures Make the Best Pets?

Michelle RappCommunity

Due to recent events, many of us have had to practice self-isolation and quarantine ourselves in our own homes. For better or worse, this new way of life can be a lonely one…but does it have to be? Perhaps this might be a great time to bring a new special someone into your world – someone whose presence, affection and …