Card Kingdom Affiliates: The Loregoyfs!

Card KingdomCommunity

Our Card Kingdom family keeps on growing, and this month, we welcomed a new affiliate: The Loregoyfs! Each week, this trio of Magic lore experts – including CK Blog contributor Michelle Rapp – acts out and analyzes the latest installment of the official Magic Story. Come for the Nicol Bolas impressions; stay for the hilarious fake ad breaks! Since The …

Community Spotlight: The Planeswalker Academy

Card KingdomCommunity

One of the greatest things about Magic is its ability to bring people together. Talk to any Magic player from the kitchen table to the Pro Tour and they’ll have plenty of stories to tell about the people they connected with through playing Magic. For this month’s Community Spotlight, we spoke with Robert and Danielle Garner, who invited the Magic …

Queer Representation in Magic: A Community Perspective

Michelle RappCommunity, Magic Story

Throughout Magic’s history, Wizards of the Coast has done an admirable job responding to and incorporating representation of its player base within the story and art of the game. In a Multiverse that features baloths, elves, orcs and dragons, it’s great to see diverse human characters that also span color, gender identity and sexual orientation. While Magic’s efforts to showcase …

The Magic Man Sam Visits Card Kingdom

Card KingdomCommunity, Video

Back in April, our friend The Magic Man Sam pitched an interesting idea to us: He wanted to come to Seattle to compete in the Rock ‘N Roll Half-Marathon and raise $1,000 for St. Jude, all while sporting a custom Card Kingdom singlet. We loved the idea, especially when he threw in a chance to preview his newest video on …

On Burnout and Bolts

Simon IrvingCommunity

All of us know how great it can be to play Magic: The Gathering. The epic countermagic battles, the topdeck wars, the glow of preview season…these are the things that keep us engaged with the game and all it has to offer. It’s easy to look around and see people whose lives have been enriched by playing this great game …

Magic and Mindset

Hallie SantoCommunity

Learning to play Magic represents a huge turning point in my life. I had just graduated from college and moved thousands of miles away from home, and I needed a way to connect with people in my new city. Magic helped me find friends and feel like part of a community for the first time in my life; it even …

Shivan Dragon and Me

Shivam BhattCommunity

I went to the band room before recess ended to grab my trombone and set up my music. My friends usually congregated there to just chill out and talk about the nerdy pursuits of the day, anyway, so I figured I’d go hang out. When I got there, my friends were huddled in a circle on the ground in the …

Battle Deck League

Card KingdomCommunity

As you can probably guess, we play quite a bit of Magic here at Card Kingdom. We do plenty of product testing each month, but we also use Magic as a way to relax, unwind, and bond with our coworkers. Our Fulfillment and Overstock employees frequently congregate in Café Mox for after-work Drafts or Commander matches, and lunchtime pick-up games …