Soaring with Ledger Shredder: Grixis Death’s Shadow

Michael RappModern

Grixis Death’s Shadow is on the rise in Modern, recovering from Lurrus largely thanks to a card Michael is a big fan of – Ledger Shredder. Just earlier this year Grixis Death’s Shadow was one of, if not the best decks in Modern. Then came the Lurrus ban, GDS players had to figure out if the archetype was still playable. …

Modern Tier List: June 2022 Edition

Michael RappModern

Modern is an ever-churning format, and Michael is here to take a look at what’s shaken things up in the latest Tier List Update! Hello, and welcome back to the June 2022 edition of Card Kingdom’s Modern Tier List! So far June has brought us all of the normal MTGO events along with Dreamhack Dallas, and NRG Lansing, which means …

Does Modern Need a Ban?

Mason ClarkModern

Mason takes a look at the state of the Modern format, and asks a tricky question – does Modern need a ban, and if so, what? Modern is at an interesting point right now. We are one year out from the release of Modern Horizons 2 and the format looks nothing like it did before the release or even after …

3 Decks to Beat Four-Color Yorion

Michael RappModern

It is no secret that since the banning of Lurrus of the Dream-Den, Four-Color Yorion has carved out its spot as the best deck in Modern. Yes, yes, I know the metagame percentage of Izzet Murktide, but Four-Color has an artificially low play rate due to its high price on Magic Online. Tournament data suggests that Four-Color Yorion performs much …

The Abrupt Decay of Thoughtseize in Modern

Michael RappModern

Thoughtseize, once a Modern mainstay, seems to be largely missing from the format now. Michael looks at why and where it can still fit in. Anyone who has played Modern for a significant period of time remembers when Thoughtseize was considered a premium interactive spell. Now, as we move through the middle of 2022, almost 11 years after Modern’s debut, …

3 Exciting Modern Decks

Mason ClarkModern

Sometimes the most interesting decks in a format live in the fringe! Mason takes a look at 3 Modern decks poised to make a splash. Modern is a format with so much depth and places to explore that players are always making waves and figuring out new synergies. It’s been a while since we have taken some time to explore …

Modern Tier List: May 2022

Michael RappModern

Modern has started adjusting to Streets of New Capenna, and Michael is here to check in on the format and let us know what decks to watch! Welcome back for the May update to Card Kingdom’s Modern Tier List! Over the last month there hasn’t been any notable paper Modern tournaments to draw data from, but luckily there have still …

Finding Homes for Ledger Shredder

Michael RappModern, Pioneer

Ledger Shredder has become a breakout card from SNC for Constructed Magic, and Michael takes a look at where it fits in Modern and Pioneer! Ledger Shredder caught many people by surprise as it burst onto the scene in multiple formats after flying relatively under the radar during preview season. Players have been trying Ledger Shredder in every major constructed …