It’s the end of preview season! We’ve ventured through the dungeons, rappelled down our Fifty Feet of Rope, and found the loot at the end. With just a couple short weeks remaining until its official release, now is the perfect time to take a look at one of the most fascinating aspects of Adventures in the Forgotten Realms: Modality! Adventures …
Updating Death’s Shadow with Modern Horizons 2
Modern Horizons 2 has added a wealth of powerful cards to Modern. These cards have bolstered weaker decks, created new decks, and (maybe most importantly) given our favorite decks some new toys. Grixis Death’s Shadow is no exception — in fact, the deck got quite the face lift since the last time we’ve seen it. Let’s take a look! So, …
4 Pillars of Modern Post-MH2
The past few weeks have been a wild time in Modern, as Modern Horizons 2 has injected powerful cards into the format. With MH2 card prices declining and more local game stores hosting events, you may be looking to pick up some new cards and get back into Modern. But what decks should you play, and what sort of metagame …
New Budget Modern Decks with MH2
It may have only been released just a few days ago, but we’re already riding the waves created by Modern Horizon 2’s impact. Modern is a totally new beast, one that’s proving hard to tame into a settled metagame in the weeks since MH2’s early release on Magic Online. This is a great sign, as it means there is plenty …
3 Underrated Modern Decks
Modern is in a place of constant innovation right now. The release of Modern Horizons 2 has shaken the format up so much and every week we are seeing people try new and exciting things. Today, we’ll go over three decks that have been flying under the radar, but that have a ton of potential in the format. Naya Yorion …
The Top 10 Modern Cards in Modern Horizons 2
Spoiler season is one of the most exciting parts of new sets, and Modern Horizons sets are my personal favorite. Modern Horizons had a profound impact on Modern, and Modern Horizons 2 seeks to repeat that success. Curating this list down to just 10 cards proved to be difficult, which is a great sign for the strength of Modern Horizons …
Modern Deck Guide: Temur Cascade
Modern Horizons 2 has already taken Modern by storm on Magic Online, shaking up the metagame and adding a lot more power to the format. After the first weekend of results, one card has risen above the rest — well, one combination of cards: Shardless Agent and Crashing Footfalls. Today, we’ll look at a Temur Cascade deck that placed 2nd …
The Best Budget Cards in Modern Horizons 2
Modern Horizons 2 is finally fully revealed! It won’t be long before we can get our hands on arguably the most powerful set of all time, and you’ll want to make sure you’re ready to grab the best new staples. I covered a selection of new Modern staples in my last article, but this time I’m going a little further. …
New Modern Decklists with Modern Horizons 2 – Part 2
You’ve seen my Historic brews — now get ready for me to wander into uncharted territory and brew new Modern decks! Mason Clark offered five new decks with Modern Horizons 2 yesterday, and today, I’m here with four of my own. I haven’t played the format in a while, but this set is sucking me back into Modern quickly! If …
New Modern Decklists with Modern Horizons 2 – Part 1
Modern Horizons 2 has been fully previewed, and it’s time to jump right into the best part of any set release: brewing decks! Today, we’re going to go over five new or significantly upgraded decks for Modern. We’ll cover everything from beatdown to draw go, and even some combo to spice up your life. Domain Zoo Domain Zoo is an …