Is Mentor Back in Modern?

Michael RappModern

Monastery Mentor is beloved by many, and while it has succeeded in Legacy, the card hasn’t quite had its day in the sun in Modern. That certainly hasn’t stopped players from trying to build shells that take advantage of the “army in a can” monk, but none of those shells have really had staying power.  I’ve sometimes wondered why Monastery …

Modern Staples to Pick Up This Black Friday

Michael RappModern

With paper Magic on a hiatus, prices of paper cards have naturally come down — and with upcoming holiday sales, the available deals will likely be even sweeter. I’ve had my eye on a number of Modern staples that are currently underpriced and have plenty of room to grow once paper Magic makes its return. I know I’ll be scoping …

How GW Heliod Won the MOCS

Michael RappModern

Last weekend, we saw Michael Jacob (aka DarkestMage) win the Magic Online Championship Series. The MOCS is perhaps the single most difficult Magic tournament in any given year, and his win is an impressive feat.  While the MOCS is a multi-format tournament, Modern made up the lion’s share of total rounds, with four rounds during the Swiss and two more …

Modern Metagame Update: November 2020

Michael RappModern

Welcome back for the second monthly Modern Metagame Update here at Card Kingdom! On the second Friday of each month, I’ll be recapping major MTGO tournament results from the month prior. Let’s get right into the tournament results! Tournament Results Tournaments and the data they provide paint a clear picture of what decks are succeeding in the Modern metagame. Since …

Eladamri’s Toolbox: A Modern Deck Guide

Michael RappModern

Chances are, if you’re a close follower of Modern or a Primeval Titan devotee, you’ve noticed a lack of Amulet of Vigor or Scapeshift accompanying the angry green giant. Recently, Titan players have hung up the explosive combo draws and Summoner’s Pacts for Elvish Reclaimer, Eladamri’s Call, and Path to Exile. Today, we’re going to take a look at what …

Modern Crabvine Deck Guide

Michael RappModern

It’s about time that graveyard decks popped back up in Modern. Traditionally, whenever Modern becomes centered around interaction, decks like Dredge creep back into the metagame to exploit the midrange decks. Without Faithless Looting, Dredge is only at a fraction of its former power level, which allows other decks to challenge it for the title of Best Graveyard Deck. Last …

Modern Humans Deck Guide

Michael RappModern

Welcome to another Modern Deck Guide! Today, we’re taking a look at one of the premier aggro decks in Modern: Humans. Humans is frequently among the most popular decks in Modern, so it’s no surprise to see it putting up plenty of MTGO results. In last week’s Modern Metagame Update, we saw that Humans was the third most published deck …

Modern Metagame Update: October 2020

Michael RappModern

Welcome to the new monthly Modern Metagame here at Card Kingdom! Starting this week, and on the second Friday of each month, I’ll be recapping major archetypes and tournament results from the month previous. Let’s get right into the tournament results! Tournament Results Tournament results give us the data that we need to paint a clear picture of what decks …

Omnath, Locus of Modern

Michael RappModern

Hmm, I think I’ve seen this one before: “Flagship Standard Mythic Becomes High Level Modern Staple.”  That’s right! Just like Uro, Titan of Nature’s Wrath, Omnath, Locus of Creation has quickly become a fixture of the Modern format. As Omnath cares about multiple landfall triggers per turn, it’s a natural ally for Uro, who makes it easy to enable all …

Moving On Up: From Rakdos to Jund Shadow

Michael RappModern

Over the last couple of weeks, Rakdos Shadow has made a name for itself in Modern, putting up some solid results in challenges, and even picking up a win. While I believe Rakdos Shadow is a good deck, I think it also has some exploitable flaws, namely card quality and perhaps being too low to the ground. Before we can …