One interesting part of non-rotating formats in Magic is that players learn how the wide array of cards start to work together in new and exciting ways over time, which allows for strategies to crop up using cards that have been available for a long time. This doesn’t happen often, but players have recently discovered a handful of new, viable …
Playing Modern at SCG Con New Jersey
SCG Con New Jersey, the first large Modern tournament of the year, is taking place this weekend, and I’ll be in attendance. Naturally that means figuring out what deck I am going to play — a task I’ve been working on for a couple weeks. Those who know me can tell you I have a bad habit of waffling between …
Magic Resolutions for 2023
As the old year comes to a close, this is traditionally a time to look forward and figure out some resolutions for the new year. There are plenty of life resolutions to go around, but we’re here to talk about Magic. So here’s some Magic resolutions that all can feel free to apply as needed to themselves in 2023. I …
Our favorite Modern decks of 2022
As 2022 comes to a close I wanted to take a look back at the year that was. One of my favorite things to do is find the brightest spots in the year, and for Magic that means going back to my favorite Modern decks from the past year. Everyone, myself included, likes decks for different reasons. Whether it involved …
How to Avoid Magic Burnout
Burnout is normally something we think about in terms of a job. But burning out on a hobby, game or anything you regularly do for fun is a disturbing prospect. When even recreation can start feeling like a chore and the joy starts to slip away, it might mean you’re experiencing Magic burnout. Happy holidays everyone! EMBRACE THE VOID. All …
The Perfect Decks for Starting in Modern
Modern is a big format with lots of decks and strategies. If you’re trying to get into the format, it can be very daunting to figure out not only what all these cards do but what deck you could pick. That’s before you even think about the elephant in the room: bannings. Lots of Modern players are worried about picking …
Modern Highlights: Goblins, Prowess and Scales,
Modern, as a format, has a long history of supporting a large number of viable archetypes. Well, until Modern Horizons hit and Modern became slanted heavily toward the top few decks. But recently, nature (read: Modern) is healing as players figure out different strategies or simply revamp older ones. So today, I’d like to talk about Goblins, Izzet Prowess and …
The Best Magic Products of 2022
December is generally a time for us to take a step back and reflect upon another year of Magic, and we certainly had a packed 2022 to look back on. Despite entering its 30th anniversary celebrations, the game continued to grow faster than it ever has before. This year saw tons of new cards and new products, which led to …
What’s the Deal with Rakdos Scam in Modern?
Chances are if you’ve played Modern on Magic Online or in a paper tournament of any significant size recently, you’ve likely run into Rakdos Scam. This deck’s path to becoming the Modern boogeyman is an odd one for sure, and today I want to dig deeper to see what about today’s metagame allows it to be the top dog. I …
The Return of Creature Decks to Modern
Modern, as a format, has always been propped up by a “you can do whatever you want” mentality. However, during the last year, Yorion made playing creature decks in Modern incredibly difficult due to cards like Solitude, Fury, Prismatic Ending and Unholy Heat. The good news for creature fans in Modern is that many of these cards are on the …