MTG Challenger Decks 2022

Tom AndersonProducts, Standard

“A NEW CHALLENGER APPROACHES!” The journey of a new competitive player – or at least a player new to a particular format – is often hard in Magic compared to other games. Each incarnation of Standard has its own field of tier decks and leading cards to study up on, even if your grasp of the fundamentals is strong from …

Kamigawa Neon Dynasty's New Planeswalkers

Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty’s New Planeswalkers

Mason ClarkStandard

Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty previews have begun, so put on your cyberpunk playlist and get ready! Between new cards and the recent bans in Standard earlier this week, we have an exciting new format to explore. We’ll kick things off by going through the headliners of yesterday’s Neon Dynasty preview stream: the new planeswalker cards. Tamiyo, Compleated Sage All will be …

The Winning Decks of the Innistrad Championship

The Winning Decks of the Innistrad Championship

Tom AndersonHistoric, Standard

As of this Sunday, the Innistrad Set Championship is officially in the books: the first premier event in the new seasonal schedule leading towards the 2022 Magic World Championship. But even for players more interested in their MTG Arena daily quests than World Championship qualifier points, this weekend was among the most important tournaments of the year. Nowhere else will …

Underrated Standard Decks Dec 2021

3 Underrated Standard Decks: December 2021

Mason ClarkStandard

We’re on the eve of the Innistrad Championship, and the Standard format is rumored to be solved, with only a few variable decks in the metagame. Today, I’m here to shatter that notion. If you’re looking to climb the Mythic ladder, there are still plenty of decks that will help you get there. Here are three Standard decks that are …

New Standard Decks

Week One Crimson Vow Standard Decks

Mason ClarkStandard

Innistrad: Crimson Vow is out now on MTG Arena. So before you hop into the Standard queues, let me give you three decks that are going to mess up some Alrund’s Epiphany players. Since Epiphany decks did get a few new toys — including better mana — the least we can do is come packing some heat from day one. …