Arena Ladder Tier List

Standard Ladder Tier List: July 29, 2021

Mason ClarkStandard

We have had a weekend of events following the announcement of SCG con’s return. With pressure on the format it has evolved and now we are seeing some new decks joining the cast. Let’s hop into the tier list and see what’s going on. Before we dive into the list, here’s a quick refresher on the tier list grading criteria: …

3 Decks to Play in Standard

3 Decks to Play in Standard: July 2021

Mason ClarkStandard

With the return of the SCG Tour Online this weekend, Standard has returned to the spotlight. Today, we’ll go over three decks that will help get you the 6-0, so you can compete with me at SCG Con later this year. These decks may seem familiar, but they’ve changed in subtle ways in the past few weeks. If you’ve been …

2022 Standard Decks

3 Top Decks for 2022 Standard

Mason ClarkStandard

Imagine a world with no adventures — no Bonecrusher Giants killing your two-drops, no Brazen Borrowers unsummoning your big creatures. There are no Emergent Ultimatums to just end the game, and not a Rogue in sight. Well, it turns out this isn’t a dream — it’s real life in the 2022 Standard queues!  MTG Arena has launched a new event …

3 Underrated Standard Decks

Mason ClarkStandard

Strixhaven Standard is in full swing, and as many players have noticed, not much has changed since before the new set released. While Rogues, Temur Adventures and Sultai Ultimatum are still the pillars of the format, they aren’t your only options for spiking tournaments or climbing the Arena ladder. Today, we’ll go over three decks that are great for anyone …

Week One Strixhaven Standard Decks

Mason ClarkStandard

It’s Christmas for Magic players! A new set has dropped, and that means new toys for all the formats! Today, we’re going to go over five new decks that you can export to Arena and take on the ladder this weekend. Some are updates to tried-and-true classics, while others go deep on what Strixhaven has to offer. Let’s dive in! …

5 Strixhaven Cards to Watch in Standard

Mason ClarkStandard

By now, we’ve seen all the cards from Strixhaven: School of Mages. But with a week to go before the set hits MTG Arena, we’re all left in a state of hype to play with the new cards. Today, I’m going to go over five cards that you’ll need to keep an eye on going into this Standard season. Mavinda, …

My Picks for Kaldheim Championship Weekend

Ally WarfieldHistoric, Standard

This upcoming weekend, I’ll be competing in the Kaldheim Championship. Like previous Championships, Player’s Tours and the like, it’s a split format event, showcasing Standard and Historic. Day One consists of three rounds of Standard and four rounds of Historic, with four or more match wins necessary to advance to Day Two.  Because of the extra emphasis on Historic for …

Strixhaven’s New Planeswalkers

Mason ClarkHistoric, Standard

Strixhaven preview season hasn’t even officially begun, and we already have two new planeswalkers to talk about! These cards offer some exciting deckbuilding options, as well as new contexts for evaluating some powerful format staples. Let’s jump into it! Kasmina, Enigma Sage Kasmina was the first walker revealed, and there are some interesting places you can go with her. First …