The Magic community has had its frosty mitts on Kaldheim for a couple weeks now, and we’re starting to notice the effects filtering through into the Standard metagame. With some completely fresh mechanical possibilities and a high power level, there are several new cards and shells with potential, even once the set’s honeymoon phase fades. But the depth of the …
Kaldheim Standard Decks from Our Community
Last week, I shared five new Standard decks that you could build with Kaldheim and play on the Arena ladder. I also asked our community to submit their own Kaldheim brews — and you responded with some great ones! Today, I’ll be sharing five Standard decks submitted by our readers. Hopefully these will inspire you to try out some new …
Week One Kaldheim Standard Decks
The Standard metagame has been clearly established over the past few months, with Rogues, Gruul, and a handful of other decks at the top of the heap. But that could change as Kaldheim lands on our shore of the Multiverse today. How much will Kaldheim shake up Standard? We’ll just have to jump on the Arena ladder and find out! …
5 Kaldheim Cards That Will Define Standard
We are one week out from Kaldheim releasing on Arena, which will give us a brand new Standard format to explore (and potentially break). This current Standard format has been a fun and exciting one to play, but that’s all in the past now. Today, we’ll be looking toward the future, as we go over five cards from Kaldheim that …
5 Kaldheim Cards to Watch in Standard
It’s that time of year again! Less than a month ago, we were getting holiday presents, and now we have even more gifts to look forward to. Kaldheim is shaping up to be one of the more interesting sets we have seen in a while, full of vikings, monsters, and exciting Magic cards! Here are five cards we’ve seen so …
Kaldheim Pathways and the Importance of Mana
I want to let you in on a secret. There’s one aspect of Magic: The Gathering that defines everything we do in the game, but we don’t think or talk about it as much as we should. I’m not talking about mulliganing, sideboarding, or card advantage — I’m talking about mana. Lands are some of the most impactful cards in …
Three Decks Taking Over Standard
Since the banning of Omnath, we have seen the Standard format blossom. We’ve had a lot of churn in the top decks, fun dynamic gameplay, and a good balance of decks. Typically, around this time in a format, we would be talking about how best to tune one of the three best decks we have been talking about for weeks. …
7 Cards to Play in Standard Rogues
I recently heard a story that I’ve been thinking about a lot. A Magic player was once talking to Brad Nelson, and they asked him for advice on how to improve their game. This player was playing the stock best deck with all the best cards on rate, but they still weren’t getting the results they wanted. Here’s the advice …
How to Beat Standard’s Top Decks
Standard has finally settled down, and three top decks have emerged: Gruul, Rakdos Kroxa, and Rogues. While the format is very diverse and other decks have a chance to win events, these three decks have the biggest targets on their backs. Today, we’re going to go over these three decks, including their biggest strengths and weaknesses, so you can have …
Standard Ladder Tier List: October 29, 2020
Standard has had a lot of churn these past few weeks. Since Omnath’s ban, five or six different decks have become top dog, only to be dethroned a few days later. This is great for Standard, if you ask me! But the amount of change we’ve seen may also leave you feeling unsure what to play in the Arena Open …