This Day in Magic History: Jace, the Mind Sculptor and Stoneforge Mystic are Banned (June 20th, 2011)

Nizzahon looks at a significant event on this day in MTG history. On June 20th, 2011, Jace and Stoneforge Mystic were banned! Welcome to another edition of “This Day in Magic History.” Today, we’re taking a look at the banning of Jace, the Mind Sculptor and Stoneforge Mystic in Standard, which was announced eleven years ago today, on June 20th, ... Read More...

Anniversary Announcements!

As of October this year, we will be reaching a truly momentous milestone for our community. The thirtieth anniversary of Magic: The Gathering’s debut at Gencon ‘93 – and thus the 30th birthday of this amazing game!This massive achievement is the result of all the hard work put in by Wizards of the Coast, game store workers, tournament organizers and ... Read More...

Modern Tier List: June 2022 Edition

Modern is an ever-churning format, and Michael is here to take a look at what’s shaken things up in the latest Tier List Update! Hello, and welcome back to the June 2022 edition of Card Kingdom’s Modern Tier List! So far June has brought us all of the normal MTGO events along with Dreamhack Dallas, and NRG Lansing, which means ... Read More...

This Day in Magic History: Commander Was Created (June 17th, 2011)

Nizzahon looks at a significant event on this day in MTG history. On June 17th, 2011, the first Commander Precons were released! Welcome to another edition of “This Day in Magic History.” Today, we’re going to be taking a look at the moment when Wizards of the Coast formally recognized the EDH format with the release of Commander, which came ... Read More...

Welcome to Elder Dragon Social Club

LoadingReadyRun brings you Elder Dragon Social Club: a new Commander format show in partnership with Card Kingdom. We talked with Graham Stark to find out more. In the ten years that LoadingReadyRun has been making Magic: The Gathering content, this well-loved Canadian bunch have explored pretty much every nook and cranny of the game. From Friday Night Paper Fight to ... Read More...

Does Modern Need a Ban?

Mason takes a look at the state of the Modern format, and asks a tricky question – does Modern need a ban, and if so, what? Modern is at an interesting point right now. We are one year out from the release of Modern Horizons 2 and the format looks nothing like it did before the release or even after ... Read More...

Displacer Kitten Combos

Displacer Kitten is the focus of a lot of conversation ever since it was spoiled. Chris takes a look at what can actually be done with it. Displacer Kitten from Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur’s Gate has been the focus of a lot of conversation. Not entirely sure why…it’s not like Magic has a history of printing problematic cats, right?  ... Read More...