The Ruinous Powers Precon Upgrade Guide
It has been some time coming, but we finally know what Universes Beyond: Warhammer 40k will look like. It is perhaps the most ambitious Magic crossover project to date — four new preconstructed decks centered on one of the factions from the Warhammer 40k universe and full of many more new cards than usual. They’re all sure to pique the interest ... Read More...
Three Modern Decks to Beat Four Color Yorion
Chances are if you play almost any amount of Modern, you’ve encountered the boogeyman of the format: Four Color Yorion. Chances are you’ve also lost to it, because, well, it is all of the best cards in Modern jammed into one deck. The card quality is through the roof, the card advantage is off the charts and their matchup against ... Read More...
Fringe Decks Crushing Modern Post Dominaria United
Modern was in the middle of a staleness problem before Dominaria United. While the top end of the metagame has looked relatively the same for almost a year now, players have made innovations and sideboard plans to at least keep the games interesting. But from a diversity standpoint, things have been incredibly lacking. However, this past weekend’s Magic Online challenges ... Read More...
This Day In Magic History: Pro Tour Atlanta (1996)
Welcome back to another edition of “This Day in Magic History!” Today, we’re going to take a look at Pro Tour Atlanta, which was held from Sept. 13-15, 1996. It is a very good time to take a look at the storied history of the Pro Tour, since it will be making its return in 2023. Pro Tour Atlanta is ... Read More...
Upgrading Sisay, Weatherlight Captain | Dominaria United Commander
Kristen brings us an update on everyone’s favorite Dominarian hero, Captain Sisay, with a rundown of the exciting Commander upgrades Sisay, Weatherlight Captain has received from Dominaria United and other recent sets. Sisay, Weatherlight Captain Among the five color Commanders, Sisay is popular for a reason: she can helm a versatile deck full of your favorite cards, she can be ... Read More...
Read Ahead – MTG Keywords Explained
Read Ahead is a mechanic that appears only on Sagas. Sagas normally get a lore counter when they enter the battlefield, and then another lore counter at the beginning of your precombat main phase, triggering the appropriate chapter each time. Once it has as many lore counters as it does chapters and the final chapter trigger resolves, the Saga gets ... Read More...
How to Build Treasure Decks in Commander
It’s no secret treasures have been shaping the Commander landscape at all power levels for the past couple of years. In fact, it’s often unusual for a game of Commander to not feature at least a couple of treasure tokens. The count and quality of these cards have even become so great that treasures are the third most popular theme ... Read More...