The Abrupt Decay of Thoughtseize in Modern

Thoughtseize, once a Modern mainstay, seems to be largely missing from the format now. Michael looks at why and where it can still fit in. Anyone who has played Modern for a significant period of time remembers when Thoughtseize was considered a premium interactive spell. Now, as we move through the middle of 2022, almost 11 years after Modern’s debut, ... Read More...

Party Time Precon Upgrade Guide

Chris takes a look at the Party Time Commander Precon deck, and has some suggestions for how to give it a bit of an upgrade! New set, new Commander Precons…it’s Party Time! Literally, it’s Party Time, this is an article about how to upgrade the Party Time Precon from Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur’s Gate without breaking the bank. Ahem. ... Read More...

3 Exciting Modern Decks

Sometimes the most interesting decks in a format live in the fringe! Mason takes a look at 3 Modern decks poised to make a splash. Modern is a format with so much depth and places to explore that players are always making waves and figuring out new synergies. It’s been a while since we have taken some time to explore ... Read More...

Mox Legacy 1K – 5/29/22 – Jordan Aisaka Tournament Report

Jordan Aisaka was the winner of our latest Legacy 1K at Mox Boarding House, and gives us a rundown of his experience. I am not nearly as practiced as I once was at these sorts of things (thanks, pandemic). I used to be able to recall my keeps and even the early turns of most of my games. This is ... Read More...

Mind Flayarrrs Precon Upgrade Guide

Tom takes a look at the Mind Flayarrrs Commander Precon deck, and has some suggestions for how to give it a bit of an upgrade! Many of the legendary creatures in the upcoming Commander Legends: Baldur’s Gate are designed to lovingly evoke famous characters and companions from the namesake video games.  But today’s precon commander is a little different! Starting ... Read More...

On This Date in Magic History – The Banning of Skullclamp (June 1st, 2004)

Welcome to another edition of “On This Date in Magic History.” This week we’re going to take a look at the banning of Skullclamp in Mirrodin Block Constructed and Standard. Skullclamp is famously remembered as one of the most busted cards ever, and rightly so! It is an Equipment that was originally printed in 2004’s Darksteel. It is only one ... Read More...

A Letter to the Card Kingdom Community

To the Card Kingdom community: Many of you have seen news online of an ongoing unionization campaign for Card Kingdom employees. Until this point, we have been cautious when releasing information—there are rigorous legal requirements that ensure businesses uphold every employee’s right to free speech and organizing that we want to follow closely. We also want to honor our employees’ ... Read More...