You Should Be Playing More Board Wipes
Kristen sets out to get the record straight on board wipes. How many should you run? Should you hold back on casting them? There’s been a lot of chatter in recent times around how many board wipes you should be playing in Commander. Whilst traditional deck building templates have indicated as many as five to seven board wipes, the current ... Read More...
3 Decks to Beat Four-Color Yorion
It is no secret that since the banning of Lurrus of the Dream-Den, Four-Color Yorion has carved out its spot as the best deck in Modern. Yes, yes, I know the metagame percentage of Izzet Murktide, but Four-Color has an artificially low play rate due to its high price on Magic Online. Tournament data suggests that Four-Color Yorion performs much ... Read More...
This Day in Magic History: Legends Is Released (June 10th, 1994)
Nizzahon looks at a significant event on this day in MTG history. On June 10th, 1994, Legends was released! Welcome to another edition of “This Day in Magic History.” This time around, we’re taking a look at the release of Legends. Overall, I think Legends is a set that is not fondly remembered. When people talk about it, it is ... Read More...
Early Look: Double Masters 2022
If you are looking for cards to power up your deck, new artwork for your favorite spells, or a premium draft experience, look no further than Double Masters 2022! Magic: The Gathering‘s next set arrives on July 8, 2022. We’ve already had a taste of what this set will bring, and more previews are on their way starting Thursday, June ... Read More...
Three Pioneer Decks for a Post-Winota World
Pioneer has changed forever. Both Winota, Joiner of Forces and Expressive Iteration were banned this week. Over the last year, the format has completely and totally warped around these two cards. Winota has been the default uninteractive deck that also had an amazing back up plan. Blue-red piles have been the ultimate forms of value with out having to go ... Read More...
Draconic Dissent Precon Upgrade Guide
Firkraag, Cunning Instigator helms the Draconic Dissent precon from Battle for Baldur’s Gate. Kristen is here to review the precon and offer tips for upgrading it. Firkraag, Cunning Instigator Firkraag is a cool Dragon, that’s for sure, and if you’ve ever played with dragons before, getting new ways to brew with them is always nice. Card draw in the Command ... Read More...
Why build a deck you’ll never play?
Brewing a deck you never bring to a game might sound like a failure, or at least a squandered effort. By default, decks are built to be played; the expected flow of gameplay is what gives deckbuilding choices complexity and guides our card selections. But I’ve found brewing for its own sake can still be rewarding—just as a stage play ... Read More...