CLB: Story and Predictions

CLB Previews start tomorrow! Chris is here with a quick recap of the Baldur’s Gate story, and some predictions for the new set! Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur’s Gate previews start tomorrow, but I’m writing this a few days in the past, so I’m going to do something maybe a little foolish: I’m going to make some predictions that might ... Read More...

News of the Realm 5/13/22

With News of the Realm, we take a quick look at everything that went on at Card Kingdom, with our friends, and in the Magic world this week!  Welcome one and all to News of the Realm! Here’s what we and our friends had going on for the week leading up to May 13th, 2022. The Professor told the story ... Read More...

Finding Homes for Ledger Shredder

Ledger Shredder has become a breakout card from SNC for Constructed Magic, and Michael takes a look at where it fits in Modern and Pioneer! Ledger Shredder caught many people by surprise as it burst onto the scene in multiple formats after flying relatively under the radar during preview season. Players have been trying Ledger Shredder in every major constructed ... Read More...

Streets of New Capenna Draft Guide

Tom dives deep into the Streets of New Capenna, and gives us an archetype guide for this oddly deceptive Limited environment! Streets of New Capenna is the latest set in what has become quite the golden age of Limited Magic. Appropriately enough, the aesthetic for this new world is glamorous art deco; a stylish if lawless city populated by demonic ... Read More...

Is Your Splash Worth It?

There are times where adding that one extra color to a deck seems like the answer to make everything workbut Mason asks, is it? Foundations “Things built on a poor foundation will eventually crumble” – Venetian proverb Magic is an infinitely deep game. 14,000-plus cards to choose from, all interacting and working together in their own special way. To say ... Read More...

On This Date In Magic History: MaRo’s First MTG Article

Welcome to another edition of “On This Date in Magic History.” This week we’re going to take a look at the very first time Mark Rosewater (MaRo) wrote something about Magic, which was published on May 11th, 1994. Who is Mark Rosewater Today? Mark Rosewater is one of the most important individuals in the history of the game. In my ... Read More...

Casualty – MTG Keywords Explained

Casualty will usually appear on instants and sorceries, although as Ob Nixilis, the Adversary shows, it can appear on any card type. It will always be written with a number next to it, and functions as an optional additional cost. Whenever you cast a spell with casualty, you may sacrifice a creature that has power equal to or greater than ... Read More...