Top 5 Ikoria Cards for Modern

At long last, it’s time for more new cards! Ikoria: Lair of the Behemoths is now available on digital Magic platforms and preselling at, which means we can start planning out what we want to plan in our favorite formats. As with any other set, the first thing I did was look to see which cards would make a ... Read More...

Top 5 Ikoria Cards for Pioneer

From Godzilla to companions, giant cats to tiny nightmares, Ikoria really does have it all! It’s a jam packed set that’s bound to change Pioneer as we know it, and the cards that seem the most innocuous may have the biggest impact. Let’s jump right in! Easy Prey This card will always have a use in decks like Mono-Black Aggro ... Read More...

Interview with Daarken

Our presales for Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths and Commander 2020 have officially begun, and we’re excited to unveil a unique token that our customers will receive with their preorders. We teamed up with renowned Magic artist Mike “Daarken” Lim to create this exclusive 3/3 beast token. Daarken has drawn some of Magic‘s most iconic monsters, so we were excited to ... Read More...

What Makes a Good MTG Monster?

Literally and figuratively, creatures are what give Magic life. The game was designed and balanced around the idea of playing creatures to attack and defend your life total, and that is how most people still learn to play it. As the main way for players to act on the game state other than casting spells, creatures are the natural stars ... Read More...

Magic Story Review: Sundered Bond (Ikoria)

(Note: This article contains spoilers for Sundered Bond.) On the surface, Ikoria’s tagline: “There’s Always A Bigger Monster” is fairly straightforward. Life is simple: you fight for your survival, whether you’re a human fighting a monster or even a monster fighting another monster. Until he unexpectedly bonded with a giant dinosaur cat, Captain Lukka of Drannith would have agreed with ... Read More...

MTG Mindset: Understanding Variance

Welcome to our new series, MTG Mindset! Many of us (myself included) want to improve as Magic players, but there’s more to that than understanding decks and mategames. Magic is a mental game above all else, and your mindset can often determine the outcome of your matches. The first step of the journey is something that I see a lot ... Read More...

Ikoria Showcase Cards

With the release of Throne of Eldraine, Magic debuted showcase cards: new alternate-art cards with thematic ties to the set. These stunning cards have become collectors’ items, and they’ve added a little extra oomph to our decks. Each set of showcase cards has been tied to a new Magic mechanic. In Throne of Eldraine, each creature with an adventure ability ... Read More...