Three Casual Pioneer Decklists

The recent announcement of Pioneer has gotten a lot of Magic players excited. It’s a chance to rebuild beloved Standard decks that weren’t powerful enough for Modern, and to update them for a new non-rotating environment. Here are a couple of brews based on my favorite casual decks from past Standard formats. The Locust God The Locust God, which makes ... Read More...

The Chalice 2019 Wrap-Up

October has been a month of surprises, between Field of the Dead getting banned in Standard and every card in our inventory magically turning into a 3/3 Elk. But for the entire team here at Card Kingdom, it’s been a moment to reflect and celebrate our 20th anniversary! We want to thank the entire Magic: The Gathering community for coming ... Read More...

Modern Match-Up Guide: Burn vs. Death’s Shadow

Modern is home to so many interesting and unique decks and strategies from Mill, to Urza decks, to Tron, and even Bogles. Today, I want to talk about my favorite match-up in all of Modern: Grixis Death’s Shadow vs. Burn. This match-up looks incredibly easy and straightforward, but once you experience it from either side, you’ll find the games are quite ... Read More...

Preparing for CommandFest

CommandFest is a brand new event from Wizards of the Coast, and the first events are coming up this weekend in Seattle and Chicago. Unlike MagicFest and Grand Prix events, these events will not be anchored by a competitive tournament – instead, the focus will be entirely on casual play. If you’re heading to a CommandFest this weekend, here’s what ... Read More...

Brewing for Pioneer

When the Pioneer format was announced last week, I was initially reserved. I wasn’t sure what to expect, as it was so sudden. Plus, I was already so neck deep in Modern and Standard, that I wasn’t sure if I could put time into another format. But after about twelve hours, I fell in love with Pioneer. All of the ... Read More...

Intro to Innistrad

With Halloween on the horizon, let’s pay a visit to Magic‘s spookiest plane, Innistrad. The setting for the five sets in the Innistrad and Shadows Over Innistrad blocks, Innistrad is beloved for its gothic horror atmosphere, tribal themes, and flavorful mechanics. Creatures and Characters Innistrad is known for its ally-colored tribes, and a number of memorable characters associated with those ... Read More...

Modern Urza Deck Guide

Since the release of Modern Horizons, Urza, Lord High Artificer has been one of the most impactful cards in Modern, spawning several new decks. With so many variants to choose from, it can be tough to decide which one to play. My goal today is to lay out a number of those variants and explain what they do so you ... Read More...