Celebrating 20 Years at Card Kingdom

Since 1999, Card Kingdom has brought Magic to the world and Wait It’s 2019 That’s twenty years since we first opened Someone cue the music! 🎉 This October, we’re celebrating our 20th anniversary in style with a month of special events, giveaways, streams, and so much more! It’s so exciting to see how our company has grown from that small ... Read More...

Top 5 Throne of Eldraine Cards for Modern

There are few times in the year more exciting than Magic spoiler season. Luckily, with Throne of Eldraine coming up, we have an onslaught of new cards to play with. From the flashiest mythic rares built for Commander, all the way down to the commons that give the Limited environment its own feel and personality, every card serves a purpose. ... Read More...

The Power of Process-Oriented Thinking

Magic is a game of variance. It’s probably something you’ve heard a million times before – I know I have. But in the heat of the moment, when your opponent finds the perfect one-outer on the top of their deck or you draw what must be your twelfth land in a row, it can be easy to forget, and for ... Read More...

Review: The Wildered Quest

After reading the reviews of War of the Spark: Ravnica earlier this year, my initial reaction to The Wildered Quest was one of cautious optimism. Kate Elliott had already done a masterful job with her work on The Chronicles of Bolas, but I was unsure whether the novel was the ideal format for Magic story. For years, the short stories ... Read More...

Throne of Eldraine Card Spotlight: Clackbridge Troll

As one of the staple baddies of fantasy and myth since olden times, the mighty troll gets a bad rap in Magic. Since Sedge Troll debuted in Alpha, these hulking menaces have been constantly on the sidelines, while fairytale contemporaries like goblins, elves and giants have flourished. Even the troll’s signature ability, regeneration, has been removed from modern Magic design; ... Read More...

Adventure on Eldraine

Like children who can’t wait to hear their favorite bedtime story, the Magic community is once again giddy with excitement over spoiler season. Throne of Eldraine is looking to be one of the most flavorful sets of all time, tapping beloved fairy tales and Arthurian legend for resonant top-down designs. Just the thought of beating down with The Gingerbread Man ... Read More...

The New Modern Metagame

For those that don’t know who I am, I’m Anthony Lowry, a former grinder on the SCG Tour. I’ve contributed to a lot of different archetypes, such as Jeskai Geist, Burning Reanimator (now R/B Reanimator) Jeskai Auras, and various monsters decks, including Chris VanMeter’s winning list from SCG Syracuse back in 2015. I don’t exactly consider myself a great deckbuilder, ... Read More...