Card Kingdom Commanders: Frank’s Marrow-Gnawer
What makes a great deck? What makes a deck someone’s favorite? The answer is narrative. Of all the things that make Magic magic, it is the stories we create that establish connections. Loving the cards we play and playing the game we love isn’t just about how good the cards are or how well we play; it is our force, ... Read More...
Judge’s Tower: It’s Just A Phase
(Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in August 2017, in the lead-up to the release of Commander 2017. It has been updated on July 7, 2020 to reference the newest card with phasing — Teferi, Master of Time — released in Core Set 2021.) Core Set 2021 just released (which, incidentally, you can order here), and players are already ... Read More...
New Products: August 2017
At Card Kingdom, we’re constantly churning out ideas for new exclusive products and looking for the best Magic accessories to add to our inventory. Today, we’re going to give you the inside scoop on some of our newest arrivals. CK Exclusives Mana Base Land Kits Mana Base Land Kits provide all the non-basic lands you’ll need ... Read More...
A Reader’s Guide to Magic Story
The release of Commander 2017 is nearly here, and with these four decks will come a whole slew of new legendary creature cards. While many will rejoice over the new mechanics and color combinations, those of us who have followed the Magic storyline for years will be overjoyed to finally see certain characters on a card for the first time. ... Read More...
B/W Control in Standard
Ramunap Red is the hottest deck in Standard right now, but it may not stay dominant for long. While Pro Tour Hour of Devastation unfolded in Kyoto, stateside Standard players had a few extra hours to tweak their decks before heading to their local Friday Night Magic or PPTQ, and we’re already seeing the emergence of more viable midrange and ... Read More...
Just Plains Value
Over the years, one of the things I’ve heard a lot is that Mono-White is “just a support color,” or “not good enough” to hang in Commander – a format where Green, Blue, and Black have taken over with game-breaking card advantage. However, things seem to be looking up, as the last two years of Magic releases have provided Mono-White decks ... Read More...
Standard After Hour
Pro Tour Hour of Devastation has come and gone – and what a whirlwind it was! When we left off before the Pro Tour, there were over ten potentially viable decks putting up numbers. While the limited data from Magic Online showed strong results for aggressive Mono-Red decks, I don’t think anyone could foresee that most of the pro teams ... Read More...