Pro Tour Phyrexia: Lessons Learned
The most exciting part of professional Magic returned last weekend with Pro Tour Phyrexia. I’m back from playing in the event myself, and let me tell y’all, the format is NOT where it was just two weeks ago. There are three breakout decks to examine from last weekend, one of which was piloted by the event’s winner, ChannelFireball’s Reid Duke. ... Read More...
Faerie Mastermind and the Pantheon of Invitational Cards
With the recent sneak peek at March of the Machine, one particular card stood out a bit to me. All right, a lot of cards stood out for a lot of reasons, but Faerie Mastermind caught my eye because it’s an Invitational card. Invitational cards have been a part of the game since near the dawn of Organized Play, and ... Read More...
The Top 10 Toxic Creatures in Magic: The Gathering
Toxic is a new keyword introduced to Magic in Phyrexia: All Will Be One that gives creatures the ability to dole out Poison counters to your opponents. While it is a lighter form of Infect, divorced from the attacker’s power, an opponent still only needs 10 Poison counters to lose the game. But as with any mechanic, some cards that ... Read More...
March of the Machine: 10 Legendary Team Ups we’d Love to See
MagicCon Philadelphia revealed previews of April’s set, March of the Machine. Among the exciting cards previewed were team up legendary cards, featuring unlikely allies from across the multiverse. Aside from the duos we saw, here are the team ups we’d love to see in March of the Machine. March of the Machine previews kicked off a little early with a ... Read More...
Undaunted – MTG Mechanics Explained
Undaunted, from Commander 2016, is a cost-reduction mechanic that gets better the more opponents you have. Any spell with the mechanic costs 1 generic mana less for each opponent you currently have. Yup. That’s it. I mean, here’s a few notes, but it’s pretty simple. While Undaunted does technically function in a game of one-on-one Magic, the spells with it ... Read More...
Why is Karakas Banned in Commander?
While Commander’s grassroots origins make it different from many other Magic formats, it still has a ban list like the rest of them. However, since Commander is not a format with tons of tournament data to back up banning certain cards, some players are unsure why certain offenders end up on the list. Today, we’re going to take a look ... Read More...
The 10 Cards You Should Be Playing in Modern
Currently, Modern is about the most powerful it has ever been. The average card quality in decks is significantly higher than it has been in the past. Along with that, the best cards in the format are even more noticeable. Naturally the best decks almost always play at least a couple of the best cards in the format, unless they’re ... Read More...