Pioneer Tier List update august 2022

Pioneer Tier List: August 2022

It has been just more than a month since our last tier list for Pioneer. A lot has changed in that time, back when people scoffed at Arclight remaining a top deck after Expressive Iteration’s ban and when mono-green was a force in the format that few could answer.  Multiple new decks and innovations on old decks have developed, and ... Read More...
History of Dominaria part 2

The History of Dominaria, Part 2

Last week we started recounting the history of Dominaria. There’s a lot to that history, so here’s how we were going about splitting it up: Part 1: Dragons and the History of the Multiverse (Alpha-Antiquities) Part 2: The Brothers War (Anitiquites, Urza’s Saga-Urza’s Destiny) Part 3: Dark Times (The Dark-Visions, circling back to Legendsand also Coldsnap, I guess) Part 4: ... Read More...

Infect – MTG Keywords Explained

All right. This is a pretty divisive mechanic, but for now, we’ll just stick with how it works. So: Infect is a static ability that can appear on any card type, and modifies the manner in which it deals damage. To wit: damage dealt by a source with Infect does not cause a play to lost life, but rather gives ... Read More...
Commander deck building

Building a More Interesting Deck in Commander

Deck Building can be tricky in Commander. There’s no one way to construct a list, but it can be all too easy to end up with a brew that’s full of the most efficient and popular cards for the format. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with this approach, the result can sometimes feel like the deck lacks its own, ... Read More...
Draft Format basics

Magic Draft Format Basics

Booster Drafts have been one of the most popular ways to play Magic: The Gathering since the game’s inception. Played everywhere from the most casual of kitchen tables all the way to the Magic World Championship, draft is a format that really does have something for everyone. However, it’s not quite as simple as picking up some cards and playing ... Read More...
Going last in EDH

How Much Does Going Last in EDH Suck?

Going last in EDH can feel pretty miserable – especially if more than one of your opponents get a speedy start. But just how bad is it to go last? Is it blown out of proportion? Kristen entertains some of the arguments.  Going last in Commander: it’s something we all pray to never happen, and when it happens consecutively, it ... Read More...
The meaning of Community in Magic

The Meaning of Community in Magic

Magic has its fair share of luminaries — faces we all know and perspectives we all care about. We gather inspiration from Rhystic Studies videos and the musings of Mark Rosewater. We marvel at the plays of Pro Tour champions and crack packs alongside the LoadingReadyRun crew. These individuals help shape the Magic community and give us a place to ... Read More...