Battle on a Budget: The $30 Vintage Takeover

Tom AndersonPauper, Products, Strategy

Part of what makes Magic so great is the way its many different formats allow us to experience the game in different ways. Each format has its own metagame, history, community, and playstyles, and as we get more experienced most players will naturally home in on the ones we feel the most affinity for. Vintage is different though. To the …

Fringe Format: 7-point highlander

Fringe Format: 7-Point Highlander

Tom AndersonCommander, Legacy

Despite the online grumbling, Eternal Magic is a lot of fun! With the widest pool of cards legal to play, you can sleeve up the idealized version of your favorite strategy from the game’s entire 30-year history and take on the world. Of course, while sitting down to play doesn’t always work out quite as advertised, the 7-Point Highlander format …