Ten Sorcery Spells That Are New Classics in Commander

Ten Sorcery Spells That Are New Classics in Commander

Kristen GregoryCommander, Design, Strategy

What new Sorcery spells should be making the cut in your Commander decks? Kristen is here with a list of ten of the best! Last week, I looked at ten Sorcery spells that had aged really well in Commander. This time around, I will cover ten new classics: sorceries that have landed with impact, and continue to impress me.  Sorceries …

Commander Archetypes You Can Build in an Hour

Five Commander Archetypes You Can Build in an Hour

Kristen GregoryCommander

When you’re lacking inspiration ahead of game night, it can be tempting to try a new brew. Kristen has five Commander archetypes that can be built lightning fast to inject some novelty into your roster.  Sometimes you look at your collection of decks and feel like nothing is catching your eye. Maybe you’ve played them all recently; maybe you’ve deconstructed …

The benefits of a hard to remove commander

The Benefits of a Hard to Remove Commander

Kristen GregoryCommander

It’s super frustrating to have your Commander removed over and over again, especially when it’s key to your deck’s strategy. Why not choose a Commander that’s hard to remove? Kristen shares her thoughts on what makes these resilient Commanders so popular. The best games of Commander are the ones with a healthy amount of interaction. That said, people don’t tend …

Playing with Non-Permanents in Commander

Playing with Non-Permanents in Commander

Tom AndersonCommander

Quick question for the Commander players in the audience: without checking, what percentage of cards in your deck non-permanents? Does 50% sound right? 75%? Even higher? I know there’s some blue/red spellslinger players or cEDH decks with tons of instant interaction helping keep the averages down, but I’d guess most other decks the number is closer to 80% than 50%. …

Streamlining Text-Heavy New Commanders

Streamlining Text-Heavy New Commanders

Tom AndersonCommander

Have you noticed popular commanders are getting more mechanically complex every year? Recent sets have set records for the amount of rules text on cards, but it’s definitely most apparent on the legendary creatures leading our Commander decks. WHY SO LOQUACIOUS? The trend is driven both by general power creep and an even more insistent push for novelty.  In 2023, …

The Age of Haymakers is Over in Commander

The Age of Haymakers is Over in Commander

Kristen GregoryCommander, Strategy

Kristen delivers an edict: haymakers are so last year in Commander. If you’re brewing these days, you want to focus on synergy. There are few things cooler than resolving a big, expensive creature. There’s a reason some of the most popular decks in Magic are Dragons, Angels and all things green and tramply.  The splashiest creatures in Commander are commonly …