March of the Machine: Standard Highlights

March of the Machine: Standard Highlights

Tom AndersonStandard

This set is the culmination of at least four years of storytelling, design, marketing and innovation. And like the multiverse itself, it’s clear Standard will not escape unscathed. There are tons of high-powered cards to highlight in March of the Machine that could supercharge archetypes both current and dormant, leading this Standard season to a suitably epic finale. Everything since …

March of the Machine, flavor check

March of the Machine: Flavor Check

Jason KrellCommander, Design, Standard

As Magic players, most of us primarily care about how the game actually plays. However, so much more goes into a set than the cards themselves — from worldbuilding to characters and the places they intersect. Often, these qualities outside of gameplay are called flavor, and they help sets taste different, even if they are similar in some ways to what has …